Chapter 12

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"Charlie wake up." I woke up to the sound of banging on my door.

The memories from last night all came to me. The talk with Luke, Harry and the freak out with Calum Michael and Tristan in my room.

I shuffle out of my bed to open the door. My eyes wander behind the person in front of me. Blankets and pillows littered the hallway.

"You know you could've unlocked my door." Tristan's face became confused then dumbfounded in seconds. "Wow I didn't realize that."

"Hanging around Michael too much?"

"Hey I'm not that bad am I?" Michael asks walking past us in the hall. "Anyways we have a half hour before we have to go. Hurry up."

I give him a glare then shut the door to get ready.


"Finally here! Whoop! the car ride took forever." Ashton cried as the recording company's building came into view.

I sat in the back with my earphones in with Ashton, Niall, Harry, and Luke in the car as well.

We parked next to the others and all climbed out. On the way in we were a little crazy. Singing songs of random band and some of their own.

"We're here for the meeting." Louis says to the receptionist when we walk in.

"Floor 8, they'll meet you up there." She answered back.

It was a tight fit but we managed to take only one trip up. And I may or not have slipped someone's phone out of his pocket.

We practically fell out of the elevator when the doors opened. Finally able to breathe air once again.

Both of the band managers were standing right by the desk with a young guy behind them. The guys said their greetings as I kept staring at the dude behind them.

I was knocked out of my faze when Tristan nudged me in the arm. "This is Charlie our other adopted child." Calum introduced me as I shook hand with both of the managers.

They introduced themselfs as Paul being one directions manager and Adam being 5 seconds of summers. "Oh and this is our new intern James. He will be with us for a while."

I give him another look. Trying not to make it so obvious that he's pretty cool. Um I don't even know him why did I think that. I mean he's cute. Ya I think that's what I meant. Ugh I'm spending too much time with guys. I need better friends.

They lead us to an conference room with a really long table with enough spiny chairs for all of us.

"You ready for the news?" Paul asked. We all stayed quiet anxious to hear. "We're going on another world tour!"

The one direction boys cheered loudly and celebrated wildly.

I looked over at Michael who has brow furrowed. "Why are we here then?"

"Because young Pokemon master we are going to join them in the European and American leg of the tour." Adam's voice was drowned out by crazy screams from Luke, Calum, Michael and Ashton.

Once all of the loud noises ended they began to talk about all of this stuff about dates and schedules. I perked up when one of them said the James was going as well to learn the crazy travel and touring life. Tristan noticed my new attention towards that news. Giving me a weird look. I blushed.

After the long meeting Tristan and I had to sit for another few hours while the band took turns recording things. It's nice to see them at work. Besides eating pizza and playing videogames all day.

*cough* Michael *cough*

James was with us the entire time. I wanted to make a move so then Tristan would stop nudging me.

"So you guys are the famous adopted kids of 5 seconds of summer." James said. "Wait, I'm so sorry that came out wrong. Let's try thing again. Hi I'm James. I think we should get to know each other because we will touring the world together."

"Nice to meet you James, this is Charlie and I'm Tristan." I wanted to speak for myself but he didn't let me.

"I know you're adopted. Are you related?"

I quickly answered so he knows that I can speak. "No we are not but came from the same adoption center."

The door opens behind us and everyone comes filing in. "Hey you guys ready? We're going out to eat." Both Tristan and I scream and the sound of food.

"Nandos!" Niall shouts when he walks in.

"Nice to meet you James." I say to him and I grab my jacket and leave for Nandos.







Authors note

Idk why I'm doing an authors note but I'll delete the 20 facts soon.

Umm good news Ashton's out of the hospital umm he complains about his awkward belly button. He recently got to 3 million followers on Twitter but he tweeted saying he got 3 billon followers.

Of course he would do that.

Anyways umm I want to start a question of the chapter just to get to know you guys.

I'll start next chapter depending on who says yes to doing it.

Luv y'all

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