Preference One

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Preference: How they propose

It came as a complete surprise when Tony got down on one knee and proposed. You expected a huge party, classic Tony Stark style, but instead, he booked every table in your favourite restaurant, so it was just the two of you. An intimate affair. The two of you ate and talked all night, and before dessert, he ordered a bottle of expensive champagne and got down on one knee.

"(Y/N), I love you with all my heart and reactor. I always have, and I always will. You are funny, smart, beautiful, and I love everything about you. I love the way you bite your lip when you're trying not to laugh or stick your tongue out slightly when you're thinking really hard about something. I love the way you are so selfless and kind. I wake up thinking about you, and I go to bed thinking about you. (Y/N) (Y/L/N), will you marry me?"

You knew Thor was going to propose weeks before he actually did. Every day he would ask you a different question about the things you like, and questions like 'what ring size are you?' and 'what are your favourite flowers?'. Even so, you were still extremely excited when he finally popped the question. He proposed when he took you to Asgard to meet his mother and father. You and Thor went on an evening walk through the palace gardens to watch the sunset. He picked your favourite flower, which had the ring inside, nestled in the petals.

"Lady (Y/N), I swear I love thee infinitely. To you, I give myself, for I am yours. Hear my soul speak: the very instant that I saw you, did my heart fly to your service. I would not wish any companion in the world but you. Will you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), marry me?"

Loki proposed to you in a way that no one else ever could. He took you to your favourite bookstore and picked up your favourite book. Inside was your engagement ring. He then proceeded to recite a passage from his new favourite book: City of Heavenly Fire, altering it slightly for his speech. You obviously said yes, I mean, who wouldn't?

"You make me question myself. All the time, every day. I was brought up to believe I had to be perfect. A perfect warrior, a perfect son. I didn't think love came with forgiveness. And then you came along, and you broke everything I believed into pieces, and I started to see everything differently. You had – so much love, and so much forgiveness, and so much faith. So I started to think that maybe I was worth that faith. That I didn't have to be perfect; I had to try, and that was good enough. So I think you were the wrong person for the Loki that I was, but not the Loki that I am now, the Loki you helped make me. Who is, incidentally, a Loki I like much better than the old one. You've changed me for the better. My darling (Y/N), will you marry me?"

Bruce's proposal was simple but heartwarming. He took you on a walk through central park and proposed by the lake. It was a nod towards your first date, and it was the best evening of your life. You didn't tell the team until a few weeks later, and that's only because it came up in casual conversation.

"(Y/N), will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

Clint ...
Clint's proposal was a spur of the moment deal during a mission. You and Clint were fighting some Hydra agents when he turned to you and simply said you should marry him, and once you incapacitated the last Hydra agent, you turned to him and said yes.

"Hey, (Y/N), we should get married."

Steve proposed when he took you dancing. It was a forties themed night at the dance club and you, and Steve were dressed in your best outfits. Steve was teaching you how to dance, but you kept stepping on his feet and spent more time laughing than you did dancing. Then at the end of the night, when you were finally resting your sore feet, he got down on one knee and proposed.

"Will you marry me, (Y/N)?"

You could tell Bucky was up to something because he kept avoiding you and made stupid excuses to not talk to you. You tried to speak to Steve, but he was just as suspicious. At first, you thought he was planning on breaking up with you, so you confronted him and questioned why he was acting strange. That's when Bucky proposed.

"(Y/N), of course, I don't want to break up with you, I love you more than words can describe. I'm sorry I've been acting strange, but I've been wondering something for a long time, and I just didn't know how to ask it. I guess this is as good a time as any. (Y/N), my love, will you marry me?"

Natasha has never been good at showing her emotions, but she wanted to make her proposal to you as memorable as possible. After consulting the team, all of who gave her completely different ideas, she decided to go simple. Natasha collected every single photo the two of you had ever taken and put them in a photo album. At the end of the photo book, she cut out a small heart and placed the ring inside.

"(Y/N), I want to capture every memory we ever have from this moment on. I want to start our life right here, right now, and I never want to live a moment without you. (Y/N), my dear, will you marry me and make me the happiest woman in the world?"

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