Doctor Strange - when you meet the Avengers

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The alleyway is straight like a drinking straw and almost as narrow. The sounds of the roads either side ricochet from one side to the other and light from the unguarded apartment windows reflect from the brick walls. The dimly lit alleyway is the underworld of the city; gloomy and unpleasant. The vines that crawl up window sills and the crumbling plaster that envelopes the old stone bricks appear romantic at first but become daunting as the sun sets behind the skyline of chimneys. Darkness is lurking in every corner inside the labyrinth of narrow passages and dead ends. Litter is dumped on the street and birds nest amongst the sprawling rot. The street lights flicker off as Strange drags you by the arm; pulling you further and further into the alley. Eventually, he stops and makes a circular motion with one of his hands. A ring of light appears, sparking as it increases in size. He attempts to drag you in, but you dig your heels into the ground and fold your arms.
"No way! I am not going into that weird-ass thing."
He throws you an annoyed and confused look as he attempts to pull you in.
"Please, I need to take you to someone!"
"No way. I don't know you. You could be a serial killer or some hobo wanting to get off." Your voice is low and menacing. "Explain now before I scream and call the cops."
He sighs, looking around with a slither of fear in his icy eyes.
"Some dark forces have been talking about a person who isn't from this world, but one where the dead rule. They are powerful and extremely clever." His voice lowers to a whisper. "I believe that person is you. For a week more and more evil sorcerers have been coming. It is my job to stop them, but I cannot do it alone. Please come with me. You can leave at any time once I have talked to the rest of my team."
You raise an eyebrow, ok, that couldn't have been a lie. You nod, allowing the Doctor to pull you gently into the portal.

There isn't anything special about the portal, it's just like stepping through a door. A door which leads to a very nicely decorated lounge area and bar. Strange immediately goes over to a man whom you faintly recognise. The room goes silent as everyone looks at you with suspicious eyes. A woman with beautiful red hair is perched next to a man with blonde sandy hair and they both look at you as if they are plotting to kill you in a hundred different ways. On a comfy looking armchair, a man with curly, dark brown hair is sat reading a book on anger control, while two men with blonde hair and amazing muscles are talking warily. You feel so out of place. These guys are all over the news for their brave acts. All you do is punish people once they die. Stephen leads the famous Tony Stark over and you smile politely.
"Ms (Y/L/N), welcome to the Avengers Tower."

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