Loki - Three

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Imagine: being bored with Loki and turning the Avengers floor of the Tower into a ball pit when the team is out.

The Tower feels emptier than a crypt without the rest of the Avengers. You can't just sit here watching the walls, no matter how prettily you have painted them. You need to see real people, talk and laugh. You need to hear their stories and jokes. They give you an energy you can't get any other way. You don't care for television much, but a good drama and a tub of ice cream happens sometimes; so long as it's pre-recorded and you can skip through the adverts, you're happy. Life is precious, who's got time for all those commercials? Your time is a strict split between responsibilities and play. They both feed your soul, you need the loud and quiet joys of life, a bit of peace with plenty of wild times mixed in.

"I am so bored!" You yell, glaring at your broken leg.
The team have gone out on a mission and left you behind due to a snapped tibia. At least you got your revenge on the Hyrdra soldier that did it.
"Sweetheart, you only need to ask, and I shall serve you."
You spin around at that voice you have missed dearly.
"Loki!" You squeal, attempting to rush over to him.
Unfortunately, due to the cast coiled around your leg, you trip and fall on the floor; landing at his feet.
"You don't have to bow, darling." He smiles, his emerald green eyes lighting up.
"Why do I still like you, knowing you're a total asshole?"
You push yourself up onto your bum and use the sofa to get into a standing position.
"What happened? Did you fall for me too hard?" He motions to your leg.
You can't help but smile as he pulls you in for a kiss. A warm sensation flows through your body and your leg isn't aching anymore.
"Thanks. Now I just need to get this cast off."
Loki grins as he conjures up an electric saw.
"Stay still, princess."

Once Loki has removed your cast and you have completed your celebration dance, you turn to your trickster boyfriend.
"Let's make a ball pit!" You suddenly exclaim, startling Loki.
"What?" He questions. "You're crazy."
"I'm not crazy." You pout. "I'm just interesting."

The god gazes at you with love in his eyes. He falls victim to your plan as you put on the puppy dog eyes. It's like you've just enchanted him, ensnaring him with your gaze. With a snap of his fingers, the whole floor is covered with four feet of multi-coloured plastic balls. Spreading your arms, you fall backwards into the balls and sink slowly. You feel warm hands grab your ankles and pull you. Screaming, you kick out at Loki as he laughs maniacally.

"Dude!" You moan, throwing a handful of the balls at him.
You can hear his sweet, joyful laughter from a mile away, it echoes through the halls and into each and every room in the Tower, and cheers everyone up. It's at times like this that you like having a Trickster for a boyfriend.
"Yes, my love?" He fakes innocence as he moves closer to you like a predator stalking his prey.
His domineering gaze makes you weak at the knees and his eyes gloss over with lust. He nestles into the plastic spheres and tugs you onto his lap, his hands spreading electric heat through your body. His gentle caress is intoxicating and you pull lightly at his raven black hair.
"I love you, (Y/N)." He whispers.

You're trying to be indifferent. It doesn't do to let someone with an ego like his know how much power he has. You don't lean in, don't make it easy or seem too keen. Then he brushes your (H/C) hair back from your shoulder and moves in so close you can feel his lean body pressed up against you. You feel his warmth and already your mind has placed your lips together. But instead, he leans in to caress your neck, slow and gentle. He's making you wait and you can hardly bear it. You want his lips now, you want his kisses. Then he cups your face in his hands and gives you what he knows you desire.

"Loki." You moan his name sensually.
"Tell me what you want." He breathes, nibbling your ear as his hands move to the small of your back.
"Pizza." You bite your bottom lip as he inspects your face.
At first, he seems confused, but then he smirks as he leans towards your ear again.
"You're insane, but you might also be brilliant." He mutters, clicking his fingers.

A huge sixteen-inch pizza appears in front of you, sitting on top of the balls. Your face lights up as you grab Loki's face and smash your lips together. Pulling away, you grab a slice and tuck into the perfect dish. The base is the perfect combination of light inside and crunchy on the bottom; there are even herbs in the dough. The sauce has chunks of tomato and the topping is everything you love on the doughy goodness. Loki grabs a piece and shoves it into his mouth. No date could be more perfect than this; sitting in a huge ball pit eating pizza with the man you love.

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