Doctor Strange - when you first meet

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The grey sofa you slept on last night, creaks and groans as you roll over for an extra five minutes kip. Last week you moved from London to New York and you need a job. Back home you were a very skilled surgeon, but you wanted a new place to work. Fresh faces. New ideas. Your (H/C) hair is tangled and matted. You need a shower. Especially, as today you're going for an interview. One of the surgeons at the local hospital left and they need someone urgently. Apparently, he was in some sort of accident. That's what a Ms Palmer told you. Sitting up, you stretch and run a hand through your hair, only to notice the room temperature increasing. With a joyous smile, you turn around to be faced with your father, Lucifer.
"Pops!" You scream, catapulting into his arms. "How come you're here?"
He chuckles. "I just wanted to check on my favourite daughter. How are you?"
"I'm good. I've got a job interview today at a hospital."
His face drops and he looks at you disappointed.
"Your sister mocks you for saving lives. The daughter of Lucifer should be giving people punishments and hunting for escaped souls, not saving their pathetic lives."
You glance at the floor, before gathering the courage and looking into his red eyes.
"I'm sorry. But I've always wanted to be a surgeon and the family name isn't going to change that."
He kisses your pale hands. "Of course. We will be expecting a visit soon, my dear."
You can't answer as he suddenly disappears and the room temperature drops considerably.

After a short shower, you pull on a black, pencil skirt and a white blouse before doing your makeup and hair. It's a ten-minute walk to the hospital and you arrive with three minutes to spare. A receptionist leads you into an office and you sit in the black, leather chair as you wait.
"Sorry, Doctor Offerman couldn't make it. So, I'll be doing your interview." A familiar voice fills the silence in the room.
A woman with brown hair and eyes sits opposite you with an outstretched hand. You shake it as she introduces herself.
"Christine Palmer. I'm a surgeon at the hospital."
"Doctor (Y/N) (Y/L/N). It's a pleasure to meet you since we have only spoken on the phone. It's nice to put a face to the name."
"Equally, the same pleasure to meet you. I've read about all your work. You brought a guy back from the dead. He had been dead for five minutes and you brought him back." She looks at you amazed.
That's due to your father. The man had been wrongly killed and you saved him. The punishment for the correct man was exhilarating. It still sends tingles down your spine.
"It would be great to work here. I've heard amazing things about a surgeon. Doctor Stephen Strange?"
Christine seems to tense at the name but smiles to cover it up.
"Yes, he was in an accident. He could never operate again." She quickly reads over your application. "I think you'll fit in well here. Your first shift will be tomorrow, if you come an hour earlier I'll give you a tour."
"Thank you."

Standing up, you shake her hand once more and leave. It's late afternoon and the streets are busy with people. After grabbing a coffee, you walk back to your flat. As you reach the corner you stop. What? A man in a red cape is fighting someone. His hands move apart to reveal a 'rope' of orange. But it isn't a rope. It just appeared. You stare gobsmacked at the events unfolding in front of you. The man glances at you, his blue eyes meeting your (E/C) ones. His hair is a dark brown and has two grey streaks in it. His cheekbones are well defined as is his jaw bone. He starts running towards you and grabs your shoulders.
"How have you entered the mirror dimension?" He questions.
His American accent is thick but has subtle hints of English.
"I, um, what?" You search his eyes for clues. "Mirror dimension?"
He looks bored as if you asked a stupid question.
"I'm just walking home-"
A person walks through you. Wait, what? A lady with a pram just walked through you and the man. He does a weird action with his hands and everyone is staring at you like you just appeared from thin air.
"I think we need to talk." He guides you in the opposite direction.
"Who are you?"
"Doctor Stephen Strange."

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