Loki - when he finds out you have a boyfriend

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Wait. Wait. Sounds easy, right? Full bladder. Thirsty. Hungry. Hot. Aching muscles. Bored. Loki and you are sat in the Avengers tower; feeling like you've been called to the headmaster's office. Tony had to call Nick Fury in to discuss your situation and you've been waiting for over three hours. Clint, Natasha and Thor keep on popping in to check on you, but you have hardly moved even if you wanted to. Your bladder is about to burst. You attempt to keep your mind off it by texting.
"What's that?" Loki's smooth voice swirls down your ear.
"My phone." You answer with a small sigh.
The only downside to Loki living with you is that he can't work any of the technology.
"What do you do with an my-phone?"
"Phone and you can call people and text them. It does loads of things."
You feel him looking over your shoulder as you text Hank, your new boyfriend.
"Why does this Hank person have those pink things next to it?"
You blush a deep shade of red.
"Hank is my boyfriend and those pink things are hearts." You brush a long strand of (H/C) hair out of your eyes. "He might come over sometime this week. It will be good for the two of you to meet."
Loki's eyes go dangerously narrow and you notice a flash of jealousy in his eyes.
You're about to explain when Thor enters the room and you both stand up; making sure to keep your legs tightly together. Thor, like always, is smiling as he throws an arm around his brother's shoulder.
"Fury won't be long now." He booms. "Brother, it is so good to see that you have settled down here. I cannot believe that you are courting this beautiful lady."
Loki and you both go bright red at Thor's comment.
"Um, actually, no. I am seeing someone ... not your brother, Thor." You mumble, feeling awkwardly small in the presence of two gods.
The siblings pass a look of confusion between them. Thor looks like he's about to carry on his ramblings when the door open and Tony walks in looking grim.
"(Y/N), I'm sorry but Foxtrot has been caught up in some saving the world shit." He smiles. "You guys are free to go. Thor will escort you home and we will be watching to make sure that Loki isn't planning on taking over the world."
"Silence, Metal Man!" Loki growls, prowling towards Tony.
"You want to go a few rounds? Remember how it turned out last time, Rock of ages?"
"Boys!" You warn. "Let's go home, Loki. We can stop off at the Chinese on the way."

You and Loki sit on your blue sofa as you eat the Chinese. He keeps on glancing at your phone that flashes with a new text from Hank every so often. You want to explain that Hank is a rebound, but Loki probably wouldn't understand what a rebound is. He's been rather silent since you told him about Hank. He finishes his chicken curry and stands up to leave.
"Loki." You smile, wondering if he's upset with you. "What's wrong?"
He sighs as he clumsily places his plate in the sink.
"Nothing. I am just tired. I am going to retire to my chambers now."
You stand up and move in front of him; preventing him from going into his room.
"Loki, talk to me."
"Why do you want me to talk to you? Go to Hank." He spits with so much venom that tears form in your eyes. "I do not need you. You are a mewling quim!"
You rush to your room and pull out an overnight bag, tears falling out of your (E/C) eyes. You stuff some fresh clothes and underwear into it before hauling it to the front door and turning to Loki.
"I am going to Hank's. I'll be back when I get home from work!"
With that, you open the door and slam it in his face. You will not cry over Loki.

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