Pietro - when you go on holiday

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"Why the hell is that vampire still alive?" Nick Fury growls as he strides into the room.

The hairs all over your body stand up as his eye lands on you. The air in the room seems to thicken as everyone starts to feel uneasy.
"Well, I mean technically I'm not alive." You snarl, staring the man down.
He seems unphased by your glare and for that you respect him, but you still have a deep loathing for the man that has hunted your kind for years. Before Nick Fury was part of the Avengers Initiative, he was a soldier in the Vampire Slaying Division. The VSD is responsible for slaughtering hundreds of vampires and not all of them deserved to be killed. The VSD always seem to kill the wrong vampires. The ancient ones like Mordecai, Astaroth and Nicu should be killed. They refuse to accept that the world and the humans are moving on, changing. They still believe that we are feared within the community when in reality we are unknown. The humans believe we are myths. They believe in aliens and Norse Gods but not vampires; not anymore.

"(Y/N), I think it is time for you to finally die." Nick Fury pulls out his gun.
The Avengers make a move to their respective weapons but all of them scramble out of the way. Smart humans.
"Nicholas Fury, how's your eye? Still missing?" You grin. "My father brings it out every time we have guests. It's quite the conversation starter."
His finger gently drifts over his eyepatch.
"I never could kill that son of a bitch." He retorts. "He always threw another vampire into my blade."
You shrug. "He was protecting his family. That's what a father does."
"And I am protecting the world."
He fires his gun and the whole room seems to hold its breath. The bullet whistles through the air and penetrates your shoulder. Everyone watches with wide eyes, but you just stand there, glancing down at the bullet hole.
"You just ruined Wanda's top." You mutter poking your finger through the hole.
Everyone seems confused as you don't fall back or die. What did they expect? For you to turn to stone or dust? Tony takes a step towards you; his chocolate brown eyes inspect the hole in your shoulder.
"Stark, step back from the vampire." Fury growls.
"How are you not dead? I mean the wound is already healing." Tony questions.
"Maybe it's the fact that I'm a vampire. Bullets don't hurt us. Well not unless they are pure silver. Those ones sting like hell and if they hit us hard enough and in the right place can kill us." You pick the bullet out of your wound and flick it on the floor. "You should have gone for the head."

With that you let your black wings expand and you head towards one of the wall-to-floor glass windows. You use your wings to protect yourself from the shards of glass as you crash through and into the air. For a moment you free fall but then your wings catch the wind and then you are flying.

You fly until your wings grow tired, which is a good few hours. You land on a beach in front of a random hotel and you decide to check-in. It's best to lay low when Nick Fury is on your tail. The receptionist at the hotel passes you a key card and helpfully informs you that you are at Carmel-by-the-sea. You settle down on your balcony with a pornstar martini in hand and watch the sunset over the bay.

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