Bucky - when you meet the Avengers

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After trekking through the freezing snow, Bucky realises that you were shivering and hands you his coat. You smile gratefully as you wrap it around your small body; covering up the dark grey hospital gown that you have become accustomed to. You reach a Quinjet and you notice six people sat inside. The closest one has short red hair and is wearing a black catsuit. She's very beautiful, especially with her daring eyes and pale features. Then there is the guy she's soothing. He has dark brown, nearly black, curls and has a thin blanket around his shoulders. Sat opposite them, is a man with blonde hair and a shield. He looks like an American fangirl. Then two men are chatting. One is very muscular and tall, with flowing blonde hair and the other has brown hair and, again, is muscular. Sat in the pilot seat is a man you recognise. Hydra really hates Tony Stark. He doesn't look like a monster. Bucky's human hand finds your lower back and he smiles proudly at you.
"Guys. This is (Y/N) (Y/L), she was captured by Hydra three years ago-"
Immediately everyone is on high alert, their dark eyes scanning your whole body. Your (H/C) tail goes between your legs, like a scared puppy. Tony Stark walks towards you, anger bubbling in his eyes.
"You can't just bring in a failed Hydra experiment!" Stark growls. "We need to take it to Fury."
"So I have to go? I was, no, I am a failed Hydra experiment. You welcomed me, so why can't we welcome (Y/N)?"
Tony pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs dramatically. Fangirl of America stands up and motions to the talking muscle guys.
"Thor, Clint, take (Y/N) to Fury. She will have to ride with the other captives. Buck, can we have a word?"
Reluctantly, Bucky goes after America man but he slips something into the pocket of the jacket. Thor and Clint escort you to this angry guy, whom they call Fury. Neither men look at you, but Thor tries to make conversation.
"So, lady (Y/N), how come you have a tail?"
"Hydra inserted the genes of a spider monkey into me." You shrug. "Consequently, I grew this annoying, but slightly useful, tail. That along with the scars on my body, constantly remind me of what I have become."
"(Y/N), as an Avenger, I have had to come to terms with hundreds of bad things that I have done and assisted. We have lost people that we cared about." Clint lowers his voice as some guards walk over to us. "Between you and me, we've all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to live on, that's who we really are."

You look back at Clint as you're escorted into a holding cell on a jet. Something about what he just said is the key to you leading a normal life. Maybe settling down in a nice town, starting a family. That thought soothes you and you sink into the bench in your cell. Maybe you can speak to Bucky. He seems to have his life in some sort of order. The thought rolls through your mind as you fall into a nightmare filled sleep.

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