Steve - One

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Imagine: you're patching up Sam after he got shot and Steve gets jealous for you being 'all over him'

The door to your apartment swings open with a crash; shaking the wall behind it and causing some photos to fall off the wall. Your head snaps up from the book you are reading. Steve is covered in blood and has Sam propped up on his shoulder. You throw the book onto your couch and rush to Sam's side, helping Steve move his friend to your bedroom.

"What the hell happened?" You question, your (E/C) eyes wide. "I thought you guys just went out to get groceries."
Steve runs a shaky hand through his hair.
"We got recognised. Some of Tony's men, or government agents. We're not sure."
"Tony wouldn't shoot you guys." You mutter.
"I'm sorry to bring this to you. I know you're stuck between me and Tony."
You just shrug at Steve's comment. The fallout between your boyfriend and your brother has dragged on for too long.

Tying your (H/C) hair into a ponytail, you rush to the bathroom and grab the first aid kit. You move to Sam's side and cut the shirt from his body.
"Steve, get me some alcohol." You demand; nurse mode is fuelling your body.

Blood soaks into the bedspread, radiating outwards. You strip the fabric away to show the dark hole in his toned skin. In seconds you have taken the bottle of whiskey off Steve and poured it into his wound, taking a swing yourself for liquid courage.
"Hold him down." You command.
Steve puts all his weight on Sam's legs, and you straddle his waist to get a better angle. Taking the metal tweezers, you dig into the bullet hole and pry the bullet out as quickly as you can. Thick red blood starts oozing out, and you place pressure on the wound while your trembling hands fumble with opening the dressing. You place it over the wound and wrap a bandage over it to secure it. Once he is settled, you carefully climb off Sam and take a shaky breath.

"Well, that was intense." You smile softly at Steve as he slumps onto the small loveseat at the end of your bed.
You move towards Steve and start wiping the dried blood off him.
"Are you ok?" You ask, searching his clear blue eyes.
He nods. "Just worried about Sam."
"He's tough. The wound is clean, and I've stopped the bleeding." You soothe.
Steve looks like he is about to tell you something when Sam wakes up with a loud groan. You jump up and scramble to his bedside.

"How are you feeling?" You ask sweetly, feeling his temperature and checking the wound.
Steve narrows his eyes as he mumbles to himself.
"What was that, Mr Rogers?"
Steve looks up, but his eyes avoid you, as he glares at his friend. You ignore his stare and attend to the wounded Sam. You pass him a glass of water and help him sip it.
"Here." You pass him a button-up shirt. "Do you want me to help you into it?"
Sam nods as he sits up, showing off his abs. With extreme care, you help him slip his injured arm into the shirt and button it up for him. You hear Steve mutter something, but again you pay no attention to him. After giving Sam some painkillers, you help make him comfy and wait by his side until he falls asleep. With a silky smile, you move back to the loveseat and snuggle up next to Steve.

"Hey." You whisper.
Steve completely ignores you. With a frown, you poke his cheek until he pays attention to you.
"What's up?"
"You were all over Sam back then." He growls.
You can't help but burst out laughing. Steve glares at you as you attempt to control your chuckles.
"Are you serious? I was patching him up!" You try to be mad, but Steve's little face is too adorable. "Are you jealous?"
He looks so insecure.
"No ... yeh, but, (Y/N), it made me realise that you could have any man. Why pick me?" He stands up and starts pacing. "I mean, I'm seventy years old, I've fought with your brother, my best friend killed your parents, and I'm currently on the run. Why pick me and not someone like Sam?"
You slide off the seat and take his hand in yours. It is strange seeing this side of Steve, he's normally so confident.
"I like you. You're different. And you're good. A monster pain in the ass, but you're good." You place a hand on his warm cheek. "I don't want any other man, Steve. I chose you."
His eyes light up and you can't help but feel special. This man is one of the best things that has ever happened to you.
"I love you. You enormously stubborn pain in the ass." You kiss his plump, red lips. "Now, get in that shower and once I've cleaned up I'll join you."
He captures your lips one more time, before pulling away with a smirk.
"I'll keep the water warm then."

You watch with a huge grin as he walks into the bathroom. Steve Rogers is that person that only comes into your life once and every morning you secretly thank god that he fell in love with you: (Y/N) (Y/L/N).

Before You Go (Avengers x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu