Pietro - when you first meet

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You pull the black hood tighter around your pale face as you walk to the underpass. Teenagers huddle next to blazing fires, keeping warm and you lick your red lips. Dinner time. Cautiously, you sit down next to a dude, who's sat all by himself, and he offers you a wonky grin. You hug your knees to your chest as you pull out a cigarette. You blow the smoke away, keeping an eye on the boy. You can't let this one escape. You study his features carefully. Silver hair and green eyes lure you towards his chiselled cheekbones. He's so handsome. You question whether to kill him. No! Don't question it, your father's words ring in your ear. You're a creature of evil, designed to drink the blood of the innocent. You smile at him, the hunger bubbling furiously inside of you, like a raging lion. You shuffle closer to him when he returns the smile. You cough to clear your throat.
"Hi, I'm (Y/N)."
"Pietro." He mumbles, a thick Sokovian accent drips from his pale lips.
You nod in acknowledgement.
"What's a handsome guy doing in a place like this?" You question with a seductive smile.
You always try to play your victims first. Feeding is more of a game that way and it is way more satisfying; especially when they start to beg you to stop. Humans are stupid and selfish.
"I'm just looking for someone."
You raise an eyebrow as you stroke his muscled arms. He looks well groomed, so he can't be homeless.
"Oh, anyone in particular?"
He smiles and chuckles. "You."
Before you have the chance to react, he takes you in his strong arms and speeds away. You want to scream but you're frozen in his embrace. This is not good! You keep repeating over and over in your head. You try and figure a way out. Then an idea springs to mind. As soon as he starts to slow down, you let your wings expand and you fly from his grasp. He carries on running for a couple of seconds but quickly turns back to you.
"They didn't tell me you could fly." He shouts.
You fold your arms and roll your (E/C) eyes. "What did S.H.I.E.L.D say about me?"
"They told me you are a vampire and you have powers that you don't know about."
You scoff. "Whatever. I'm off, my dinner is overdue." You turn to go but you sneak one last glance at the speedster. "Bye, Pietro."
You flap your black wings, gaining height, and you fly off to a secluded area. The speedster is on your mind and you can't concentrate as you hunt. A man is walking in front of you and you quickly take him down. Kneeling next to him, you pierce the artery in his neck and suck out all of his blood. Once finished, you lick the red liquid from around your lips and you walk off into the night. S.H.I.E.L.D will have to try harder if they want to catch you.

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