Clint - when he finds out you have a boyfriend

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Clint's POV...
Ever since I met (Y/N) I can't stop thinking about her. She's in my dreams when I'm asleep and my thoughts when I'm awake. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair. Her sparkling (E/C) eyes. She is so annoyingly perfect. I'm snapped out of my trance when a fist connects with the side of my face.
"Oh shit!" Natasha yells, but I can hear the smirk. "What is up with you lately? You are distracted all the time."
I sigh and stumble to my feet. Nat passes me a cloth to wipe the trickle of blood from my nose and we both exit the training room and move to the lounge.
"Spill." Nat demands as we slump on the couch. "Or I'll tell (Y/N) all your secrets."
I take a deep breath, not making eye contact with my best friend. However, something clicks inside her brain and she immediately knows what's up. How do girls to that? I swear they have some secret silent language that boys can't understand, or they can read minds.
"Oh, damn, it's about (Y/N)!" She gasps.
"Yeh. I just can't get her out of my head." I grumble.
Natasha raises an eyebrow. "She's got a boyfriend, you know."
This time it's my turn to be surprised.
"And you just drop that bomb like its nothing." I half yell, standing up and walking to the window.
"I thought you knew. She talks about him a lot. Yesterday, we were out together, and she showed me the cutest necklace he bought her."
I groan, running my hands over my face.
"Why are these situations so complicated?"
Nat gently places a hand on my shoulder.
"Dude, you should totally win her love. Think about it. WWTD?"
I throw the crazy assassin a questionable look.
"What would Thor do? His culture is all about proving their love to women. Prove that you are worthy, Clint."
Immediately the both of us burst out laughing. But deep inside of me, I wonder if Nat is on to something.

Sorry for the short chapter...
Have you guys watched the Infinity war trailer?!?!?!

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