Bucky - Two

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Imagine: spending Christmas with Bucky

Upon the Christmas tree is a winding pathway of light from the base to the starlit top. The evergreen branches are adorned with glass baubles and dainty decorations. It is your Christmas baby. Your pride and joy. Everyone knows how much you love Christmas, and that's one of the reasons people were surprised when you started dating Bucky' The Grinch' Barnes.

"I think we need some more sprigs of holly in the wreath. And some of the bulbs in the red berry lights have blown and need replacing." You turn to Bucky, who is sitting staring at his phone. "And the gingerbread family are late on their rent, so I'll need you to evict them."
"What?" Bucky finally looks up from his phone.
"So, you were listening. It just wasn't computing in that big robot brain of yours." You grin, walking over to him.
Bucky leans back in his chair, and you sit down on his lap, cuddling up to your boyfriend and admiring your work.
"I just don't get Christmas."
"And I just don't get you." You smirk, tapping his nose. "How could you not like Christmas?"
"It's just another day on the calendar." He shrugs, and you roll your (E/C) eyes.
"But it's a special day. We get presents, and eat delicious food, and spend time with our friends and family."
Bucky huffs grumpily. "We see our friends and family all of the time."
"Fighting Hydra agents in a snowy base is not the same as eating a home-cooked meal in a warm room and wearing Christmas jumpers." You sigh and stand up, walking to the living room door. "I guess I'll spend Christmas alone again."

You step out of the room, leaning against the wall. You hear Bucky sigh and then the creak of the chair as he stands up. He comes round the corner with a guilty look on his face.
"(Y/N/N), I'm sorry." He pulls you in for a hug. "I know how much you love Christmas, but it's just not my thing."
"I know." You whine into his chest. "For one year, I just want you to feel what I feel. I want you to enjoy Christmas."
You gaze up at Bucky, your (E/C) eyes are wide and sparkling. An idea has popped into your head, one that may save Christmas or completely ruin it.
"How about we make a deal?" You grin cheekily. "This year, you have to fully submerse yourself in Christmas. You get in the Christmas spirit, you bake cookies with me, we do everything that makes Christmas great. And if you still don't like Christmas-" You take a deep breath. "Then we will never celebrate it again."
Bucky steps back in surprise. He's speechless.
"That is how confident I am. I know that once you take part in Christmas, you will actually enjoy it."
Bucky pauses for a moment and thinks. His blue eyes twinkle as the gears in his brain turn.
"Ok, it's a deal."
You shake his hand.
"Come on, let's get started."

Christmas Eve ...
You and Bucky stand outside the Avengers Tower, carrying bags filled with gifts. The two of you are wearing cheesy Christmas jumpers, and you have decorated Bucky's metal arm with tinsel and lights.
"Are you sure these lights aren't going to electrocute me?" He grumbles.
You roll your eyes and laugh. "Sweetie, you worry too much. Of course, they won't electrocute you." You pause. "But they might set fire to your jumper."
His eyes go wide, and he nervously pulls at his jumper.
"I'm joking." You grab his hand. "Come on, the guys will be waiting for us, and you know how cranky Tony gets when we are late."

You step inside the warm building and head up to the private floors. The whole tower is decked out in Christmas decorations, expertly decorated by one of Tony's people. You used to do all of the decorating on your own when you lived at the tower. All ninety-three floors had their own theme, it was the highlight of your year, and now you are slightly regretting making a deal with Bucky. What sane person could live without Christmas?

Christmas Day ...
You arise to the smell of fresh gingerbread and chocolate cookies baking in the oven. The perfect smell on Christmas morning. You sit up suddenly. Who the hell is in your house? Slowly, you creep out of bed and head towards the kitchen, grabbing Bucky's baseball bat on your way. You step around the corner with a deep breath and raise the bat, ready to smack whoever is in your house.

"(Y/N)!" A deep voice exclaims as you bring the bat down.
He catches the bat in his metal arm.
"What the hell are you doing?" You both shout at the same time.
"I thought someone had broken into the house and started baking." You trail off as you just realise what you just said.
"You thought someone had broken in and started baking?" Bucky stares at you in confusion. "Did you hit your head?"
You fold your arms and glare at Bucky. "Why the hell are you baking?"
Bucky shrugs, avoiding your gaze.
"I enjoyed it." He mutters incoherently.
A smile plays on your lips.
"I'm sorry, what was that?"
He takes a deep breath.
"I have enjoyed Christmas this year. I wanted to take a bit of pressure off you. I wanted you to be able to relax this year and not spend all day cooking."
You smile, dropping the bat on the floor and engulfing Bucky in your arms. He pulls you tight against him.
"I love you." He whispers.
You grin. "I love you."

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