Loki - Two

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Imagine: interrogating Loki, and it all goes wrong

You and the Avengers stand in front of Loki's cell. Just a piece of glass separates you from the monster. Loki is sat coolly on the bench, staring at the Avengers.
"I've been going at him for six hours. He won't say a word. The guy's a brick wall." Steve mutters with exhaustion.
"Not to worry, Cap. I'll take it from here." You state confidently, grinning from ear to ear. "Hope you guys brought popcorn cause I'm about to put on a show."
You spin on your heel and head into the glass cell.

"Well, well, well. I hear you don't like answering questions, Loki. That's fine by me cause I'm not asking." You step confidently into the cell and slam the door behind you.
Something clatters to the floor, and Loki's eyes move from your face to the object on the floor.
"Oops, handle fell off." You bend down and pick it up. "I'll just grab that."
You attempt to reattach the handle, but it falls off once more.
"Nope." You turn back to Loki. "So, it looks like we're locked in!" You head over to the table in front of Loki and slam the handle on the top. "That's bad news for you cause you're trapped in here with a psycho." You lower your voice at the end for dramatics.
Loki looks unimpressed, and you quickly turn to face the Avengers.
"Has anyone tried it from the outside?"
"Locks broken. Gotta call facilities." Tony grumbles as he takes out his phone.
"Copy that, no rush." You turn back to Loki. "As I said, I got all the time in the wor – It's a little warm in here, am I right?" You start to panic and stand next to Loki. "Do you feel any air coming out of that vent? I got nothing."

"We got an ETA on facilities?" You ask the Avengers as you climb onto the table and sit crossed legged, much to Loki's distaste.
"At least forty-five minutes." Nat replies.
"And they've checked all this paint for lead, right? And the room for asbestos?" Your breathing quickens. "I feel like I'm suckling on a tailpipe in here, Loki!" You slam your hands on the table and scream his name. 

You jump up from the table and grab the handle.
"Everybody, get away from the glass!" You shout, throwing the handle at the glass and ducking as it bounces off and lands next to Loki. "Come on!"

"I can't breathe. I can't breathe." You keep repeating as you rock back on forth on the table.
"Hey, calm down. I will confess. Just stop freaking out." Loki suddenly exclaims.
"I did it. I drank all your hot chocolate." He glances down at his hands.
"Boom!" You jump up. "And that's how it's done. I was faking the whole thing to break him. I coulda stayed in here forever." You smile as you bow to the Avengers.
"Good, cause facilities is gonna be a couple of hours."
"We're gonna die in here!"

A/N - this was inspired by Brooklyn 99.

Before You Go (Avengers x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora