Bruce - when you meet the Avengers

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Your eyes twitch as the blaring sun shines in patches through the trees. Routinely the first thing you do is check that Bruce is okay, but on closer inspection of the hammock, you notice that he's not there. In the dirt, a small message has been scratched out.

Gone to forage for food. Be back soon, taken the boys

You roll your eyes with a grin. He's so helpful. Bruce hasn't been too troublesome and the leopards love him. He helps in any way possible and in return you have been teaching him survival skills. You like having him around. Plus, it's always funny to see his wild curls in the morning. Taking a big stretch, you collect your bow and quiver as you walk into the forest. You absolutely love the forest. It's filled with magnificent creatures of all sizes and amazingly colourful plants. Over the years you have found out, by trial and error, which plants are edible and which are poisonous; luckily you haven't encountered any deadly ones.
Suddenly, a cry of pain strips you from your thoughts and you look round with wide eyes. It defiantly wasn't human. The cries carry on and you sprint towards the sound. High up in the trees is a baby three-toed sloth. Its mother is nowhere in sight and this causes a flash of anxiety to overcome you. With steady hands and extreme precision, you control some nearby branches to go towards the sloth. It's about to fall, so you create a layer of leaves for extra padding, just underneath it, to catch the small creature. It lands with a cry of pain and you keep on making reassuring noises as you bring it to you. The little thing is a female and very malnourished. This poor girl has been abandoned. Using some large leaves, you create a cocoon for her and you strap it to your front. Then you grab some shoots and fruit to get her strength up.
"I'm going to call you Rue." You whisper softly to the tiny sloth.
She munches happily on the food as you continue your hunt for food.

A girly scream echoes through the forest as you stalk a deer. Its brown ears twitch and it looks round in fright. Your hand loosens on the arrow in your bow and it flies through the air; just missing the deer as it scampers away. Damn! You run a hand through your (H/C) hair as you walk back to camp. The fire is barely embers and looking around you notice the absence of Bruce. Panic rises through your body as you flash back to the scream. Throwing your bow and quiver to the floor, you look round in fear; ignoring the spilt arrows. Rue snores softly as you remove the leaves from your front and place her in your green hammock.
"Bruce? Are you okay?" You call softly.
"Yeh. Who screamed?"
Relief flushes through you as you hear his voice.
"I don't know-"
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" A male voice yells from the bushes.
Bruce rushes into the clearing, with the leopards following close behind. They arch their backs and hiss in the direction of the rustling.
"Bruce, get your knife."
He nods and you stand in the protective stance. With your mind, you control some thick vines to collect the people in the bushes. The vines pull five people upside down into the clearing. Good work.
"What do you want?" You growl, venom lacing each word.
"We just came to find our friend." A female voice speaks out.
"Natasha?" Bruce says from beside you.
You throw him a sideways glance of confusion.
"(Y/N), these are my friends. Let them down."
Even though you're uncertain, you follow his command and drop the intruders on their heads. They gather themselves together before Bruce starts talking.
"(Y/N), meet Thor, Tony, Steve, Natasha and Clint. AKA, the Avengers."
From this moment, your world just got a bit bigger.

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