Steve - when you first meet

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Yawning, you groggily pull on your grey tracksuit and head out of the door. The morning sun paints pinks and oranges and reds across the sky. Smiling with content, you start your jog. Ever since you hit a brick wall of depression, you promised yourself that you would jog every day, before work, to help you. So far everything's been okay. You place your earbuds in your ear, pressing shuffle and you let the sweet music play. You hum quietly to (F/S) but your head starts banging. Last night got out of control. You were at a friend's party and you got way too drunk. You're surprised that you made it out of the house without being sick. As you turn a corner, you start to feel horribly ill. Your stomach starts to churn and a nasty taste makes its way up your throat. Without thinking you turn to the side and throw up whatever you ate last night.
"Ah!" You hear someone very close to you yell.
Looking through the strands of hair that cover your eyes, you see a man sitting on the bench you just puked at. His trainers are covered in a brown substance.
"I'm sorry." You mutter half-heartedly.
"It's okay." The blonde smiles and helps you sit on the bench. "Rough night?"
You smirk. "Yeh. Shouldn't have gone out. I have work in an hour."
"Where do you live? I'll help you home."
You smile up at his kind face. "Just round the corner and thanks."
"It's okay, ma'am."
You feel your insides heat up as he places a strong arm under your armpits. His large hand supports your waist as you slowly walk back home
He aids you up the flights of stairs to your flat and you slip in a key, before turning to him.
"You can wait in my lounge, I won't be long."

On the way to work, you learn that his name is Steve Rogers and he buys you a cup of coffee as you chat together. He's a really nice guy and you want to see more of him. You wonder how you should ask without seeming forward. As you reach the school gates you turn to him with a huge smile.
"Thank you, Steve. It's been really nice getting to know you."
"You too, (Y/N). Can I have your number? I-I mean only if you want to give it to me-"
"Of course."
You take his large hand in your small one and write the numbers on his palm. You turn to leave and take a quick glance back at him.
"Bye, Steve."
"Bye, (Y/N)."

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