Thor - when you first meet

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Bored. Bored! BORED! You yell mentally. Jane has you working in her lab like a slave. She keeps blabbing on about some weird readings, but you don't take any notice. Even Darcy is more interested than you. Jane clicks her fingers in front of your face and you glare at her.
"Come on! Some weird ass readings just popped up."
Groaning, you haul your butt off the counter and you make your way into the van. Erik Selvig left for England after some relative of his died and your mom decided to enrol you to replace him. Jane likes you as a co-worker but Darcy loves to have someone around her age on 'the team'. So you've become close friends.

Darcy drives, while Jane sits in the middle and you sit by the window; staring out at the view. You're at the edge of New York and it's peaceful as the sun starts to set. Darcy suddenly slams her foot on the brakes and you're slung forward.
"Sorry." She mumbles.
You mutter some curse words under your breath as you sit back up; straightening your (H/C) hair. It's freezing as hell and you're only wearing an (F/C) tank top and shorts. Great. You curl your (S/C) legs onto the seat as you shiver slightly. Jane starts messing with some equipment but it turns out the readings have gone.
"Damn!" The brunette throws her device to the floor. "We're late, again!"
"Jane, calm down and look outside." You say with wide eyes.
She looks at you with a confused glance but climbs over you to get outside when she sees what you're gawping at. You follow her towards some strange markings in the sand. What in the holy hell?
"S.H.I.E.L.D is gonna be all over this soon. (Y/N), get a camera. Take a picture of these markings."
"Yes, ma'am." You mutter sarcastically.
You move back towards the van and Darcy chucks you a camera.
"When we get back do you wanna go for a drink? Jane's gonna be looking at this shit for hours."
You nod. "Yep."
"(Y/N)! Come on!"
Rolling your (E/C) eyes, you stroll back over to the markings and take a quick snap. Then, you grab Jane's hand and pull her back into the van. She stumbles into the back and Darcy starts speeding back to the labs.

Holding onto Darcy's arm, you trek through the back streets of New York likes it's the Amazon rainforest. She has her taser ready, in case some creeps try to stab you. Before you even reach the club, some tall, blonde, buff dude steps in front of you.
"Hammer!" He yells and you both scream together.
Darcy points her taser at him and just like that he's on the floor spasming. You send a glare at her.
"What? He was freaking me out!"
"We need to get him somewhere." You mumble, bending down to him.
He's really handsome and buff, like mega buff.
"I don't think he's homeless. Come on, Darcy, you tasered him so you gotta help me. My flat is just around the corner, we'll take him there."
"Fine." She rolls her eyes and grabs his legs.
You hook your hands under his armpits and on the count of three you both heave him up. God, he's heavy. Scraping, his ass on the floor you half drag half carry him to your flat. The elevator is broken so you drag him up the stairs; apologising each time his head hits a step, even though he can't hear you.

Once inside the flat, you throw him onto the sofa and let Darcy go home. You make a cup of (F/D) and you slump on the chair opposite him. Groggily, his blue eyes open and he looks around confused. You place your drink on the table and you kneel by his side.
"How are you feeling?" You ask, unsure of what else to say.
"Where am I?" He booms.
"New York, in my flat. I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)."
He smiles at you. "Thor Odinson." His legs keep on twitching.
"Sorry, my friend tasered you." You apologise meekly. "I'll take you home. Where do you live?"
He stops and places his head in his hands. "I have been banished from my home, Asgard. I was a fool. May I stay in your accommodation?" He asks, looking up at you with his amazingly blue eyes.
You struggle to speak. "Um, yeh, sure."
"Thank you, Lady (Y/N)." He kisses your knuckles and you blush deeply.
You're going to enjoy him living here.

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