Steve - when he finds out you have a boyfriend

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The restaurant is filled with people and every one of them is different. Tall people. Short people. Skinny and fat. All of them different. You sit at your table in the middle of the room and observe the customers of the Pizza restaurant. It's busy for a Thursday night. One of the reasons you chose this place was because you thought it would be quiet. Suddenly, you feel a hot breath on your neck, then the tender brush of lips. Burning as they make contact with your neck. A hand runs through your hair, as the kisses become harder and more urgent. Another hand slides around your waist and pulls you close to his pine scented body.
"Not in public." You mumble, to your boyfriend, Paul, as you turn in the seat.
"Have you chosen yet? He purrs as he plants his butt in his own seat.
"Yes. I think I shall have (F/F) and an orange juice." You grin, leaning forwards.
"Miss (Y/L/N), you are so predictable." Paul chuckles, taking your hand in his. "One day you will be Mrs Turner when you're ready."
You hum and smile softly.
"Paul, we've talked about this. We don't need an expensive day to show that we love each other. You know that my family can't afford a wedding."
Paul strokes your hand and nods.
"You're right, we don't need any of that. I love you."
"I love you."
Both of you lean forward and kiss, your breaths mingling into one.

Tony's POV...
Bruce, Natasha, Clint and I walk into the restaurant and sit down at our usual table. We love it here. Clint saved the owner in The Battle of New York and ever since then he gives us free stuff. Our table is in the corner at the back, where we can see everyone but we remain hidden in plain sight.
"Tony, what do you want?" Nat asks, her eyes fluttering over the menu. "Bruce is ordering at the bar."
"Usual." I cough, straitening my suit jacket and glancing around the room.
I pause when I see a familiar face and I lower my sunglasses.
"Holy shit." I whisper. "Is that (Y/N)? The chick Cap befriended."
Natasha follows my eyes and gasps.
"It is. Is that her boyfriend?" She asks in her usual serious tone.
"Well, I don't think she's the type to go round kissing random guys," Clint mutters with a roll of his eyes.
I grab my phone and hold it up to face the couple.
"Tony!" Natasha hisses, attempting to snatch my phone. I quickly snap a couple of pictures and send them to JARVIS.
"Cap is gonna love seeing her in that dress." I grin, flicking through the photos.
(Y/N) is wearing a sleek red dress with quarter length sleeves. It's not revealing, but it hugs her in all the right places. I can defiantly see what Steve likes about her. When she smiles she lights up the room. (Y/N) is the definition of natural beauty. I snap myself out of my trance and stand up.
"I'm going back to the tower." I smile, quickly standing up and gathering my things.
"What's going on? Where's Tony going, I just ordered?" Bruce asks looking shocked.
"I'm not eating." I shout as I walk out of the restaurant.

When I reach the living room of the Tower, Bucky and Steve are sitting on the sofa talking. I sneak up behind them before yelling.
"The German's are coming!"
Bucky spins around and punches me in the face. I keel over groaning and clutching my nose as blood pours from it. I glance up at the Super Soldiers and glare.
"Jeez, lighten up." I splutter.
Steve rolls his eyes and walks into the kitchen. He soon returns with a cloth and ice. Bucky guides me onto the sofa and we sit in silence till the bleeding stops.
"I thought you went out with the team." Steve states, his crisp blue eyes stare at me.
"I did, but I came back to show you something." I mutter, pulling out my phone.
I swipe to the pictures of (Y/N) and her boyfriend and let Steve comprehend what he's looking at.
"Dude, you need to win her love." I grin. "Challenge her boyfriend to a duel or whatever shit you did in the forties."
"Language." Steve half-heartedly mutters.
"I'll help you." I pat his back when I see him slouch. "Operation (Y/L/N) and Rogers is a go."

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