Bruce - One

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Imagine: Bruce being scared to hold your baby in case he hurts her.
*(Y/C/N) – your child's name*

You lean over the wooden cot and smile sweetly at your baby. Her big blue eyes stare up at you in wonder, and your heart melts.
"She's so young, she mostly just looks like a potato with eyes." You mutter.
"That's your newborn you're talking about." Natasha laughs as she enters the nursery. "How is the precious little princess?"
You grin at Nat as she tickles (Y/C/N)'s cheek before taking her from the crib and rocking her gently. You sit down on the edge of the small sofa and sigh.
"Still nothing from Bruce?" Nat questions carefully.
You shake your head, staring at your chewed nails. From the moment (Y/C/N) entered the world, Bruce has been avoiding you. You thought he was just panicking about being a dad at first, but after the second day, you became concerned and went to confront him. Bruce wouldn't have any of it. He completely ignored you and refused to hold his daughter. You ended up yelling things that you didn't mean, and now you haven't seen him for a week.
"He'll come around eventually." Nat sympathises as she passes you (Y/C/N).
"I don't know, Nat. I'm so angry at him. He won't even talk to me. He's left me to care for our newborn daughter on my own. I don't even know if I want him to help me. I mean, I love him, but ..." You trail off, tears pricking at your (E/C) eyes.
"Do you want me to talk to him?"
You shake your head.
"I need to do it." You smile sadly. "I've been on countless missions where I have nearly died or been tortured, but no pain compares to this."
"Go talk to him, (Y/N/N). The longer you leave it, the harder it will be. He's in the lab."

Putting on a brave face, you head down to the lab where Bruce is working silently. (Y/C/N) is snoring softly as she sleeps in your arms. You step into the lab, muttering to F.R.I.D.A.Y. to lock the door so you won't be disturbed. At first, you don't see Bruce, but then his mop of dark curls rises from behind his workstation. As soon as his brown eyes land on you and (Y/C/N), he ducks his head back down again.

"Bruce." You barely whisper. "Please, talk to me."
He carries on working, keeping his head down.
"Bruce!" You shout, your voice cracking with desperation. "At least look at us!"
"What do you want from me, (Y/N)?" Bruce suddenly erupts with anger as he slams his hands on his worktop. "I don't know what to do! I'm lost."
"So, am I." You mutter. "I'm lost without you, Bruce. You think I know what I'm doing! I've never had a baby before. One minute this thing was inside of me, and we were fine, and the next minute I have a baby in my arms, and you're nowhere to be found." You start rambling your feelings.

"What if I hurt her? What if one day something triggers the other guy and I hurt her or do something worse? I can't have that on my conscience." He runs frantic hands through his hair. "I need to be able to control myself. I've spent my whole life trying to create environments I can control so the other guy doesn't make an appearance. But this, our child, I can't control anything about her."
"Bruce, you won't hurt her. I trust you."
"I don't trust me!" He screams, waking (Y/C/N) up.
"You, sir, need to calm the hell down. You're at a fifteen, and I need you at like a seven." You interrupt his shouting. "Bruce Banner, you will not hurt our daughter. Neither will Hulk. You are so controlled now; you haven't had an incident in years." You sigh, smiling softly. "Remember when we first started dating? You would barely look at me, let alone touch me. But we went slow, and we worked it out, and now we are married and have a wonderful daughter. I don't want you to miss out on this, Bruce. I want you right next to me as our daughter grows up into a wonderful woman. I want you right next to me for the rest of my life."
"Let me finish. But if you don't want that, then that's ok. I just need you to tell me."
Your (E/C) eyes start filling with tears at the thought of not being with Bruce. He sighs lightly and starts cautiously walking over to you and (Y/C/N).
"I want this." He whispers. "I want to be with you and (Y/C/N), but I don't know how to."
"Then let's start slowly." You smile. "We don't have to rush anything. Why don't you hold her hand?"

Bruce's big brown eyes stare at you as he cautiously extends his arm. His hand is shaking with fear as he slowly reaches out to (Y/C/N). Happiness floods your body as his fingertips brush against the top of her hand, stroking the baby soft skin.
"See, you've already done the first step." You say sweetly.
"She's beautiful." He mutters in awe.
"She misses her daddy." You turn towards the door of the lab. "Why don't you come and help me feed her?"

Bruce nods as he follows you out of the lab and up to (Y/C/N) nursery. He looks like a lost puppy as he stays glued to your side.
"How are you?" You question, wanting to make sure everything is still ok.
"I'm nervous." He pauses. "And you?"
"Very nervous, but that's ok because we are going to get through this together as a team."
"As a team."

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