Thor - when he finds out you have a boyfriend

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Thor's POV...
Today the team are having a relaxing day at the Tower. I make myself a cup of tea; a skill I have mastered easily, before striding into the living room and crashing onto the sofa. Even though I miss my home, I love it here. This realm is beautiful and there is always something for me to learn. This time I shall be learning how to use a computer. A piece of technology that Tony is adamant I know how to use one. I sit in front of the high-tech Midgardian contraption as I attempt to log into it. Tony has been trying to get me up to speed with modern technology, but this lap-on-top is difficult for me to master. My large fingers press at the keys and a small box pops up.

(Y/N) (Y/L/N) has sent you a friend request

"Tony!" I boom, shortly hearing the scurrying of feet. "What is this Facebook? I have never heard of such book. Should I go to the library?"
Tony stands next to me and grins.
"It's a social networking site. You can talk to people all over the world and share pictures and stuff." He shrugs. "Looks like that hot chick, (Y/N), wants to be your friend."
I stare at the screen in confusion as Tony clicks on the box.
"But we are already friends. Why is she sending me a request?"
He facepalms and calls for Clint, who jumps out of a nearby vent and glances at the screen. My friends talk to each other in hushed voices before addressing my situation.
"You are friends in real life, but this is the internet. Just add her." Clint chuckles.
Tony takes the mouse from my hand and clicks a thumbs up. The screen flashes and I am taken to a different page. (Y/N)'s page. A box at the top holds a picture of her and a man. Both are laughing as he kisses (Y/N)'s cheek. Tony and Clint go silent.
"Damn, she's taken. Too bad, Thor." Tony says with a hint of sadness as he walks out of the room.
Clint leans forward and scrolls down the page.

In a relationship with Joe Stevens

All her pictures are with this man. His sandy blonde hair and brown eyes, make him look charming and I can understand why she likes him. However, all the men in all the realms are not suitable for (Y/N). She deserves a god. A king. Not some mortal man. Anger flashes through me and I slam my hand onto the keyboard; smashing all the keys.
"Shit, Thor, that's the third laptop we've had to replace," Natasha shouts from somewhere inside the tower.
"Language!" Steve replies angrily.
"Fight me, Capsicle."
"By Odin's name, I cannot think in this madhouse!" I thunder, picking up my hammer and calling upon the Bifrost.
I need some time to cool down before I talk to (Y/N) about this man. Why is she affecting me in this way?

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