Thor - One

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Imagine: Thor finding out you're having quadruplets

Hand in hand, you and Thor walk into the pristine doctor's office. Today is the big day! It's your 18-week ultrasound and you are both excited to find out the gender of your baby. You are nearly skipping with excitement, as Thor tightly grips your hand. The god of thunder leads you into the waiting room and you perch on a plastic chair, cradling your swollen belly.

"You look absolutely glowing today, my love." Your boyfriend smiles as he caresses your belly.
You grin up at his gorgeous face.
"Of course, I would never lie."
Thor kisses your knuckles and you blush a deep red. Even after all this time, you still get flustered around him. He's the perfect boyfriend and you are so happy to be having a child with him.
"How are you feeling?" He questions softly.
You sigh. "Nervous, excited. I don't really know to be honest. Everything just seems to be falling into place." You look up at him. "What about you?"
He shrugs. "I have battled monsters all over the nine realms. I have lost friends and family. I have celebrated coronations and weddings, the births of great kings. Yet all of that seems inconsequential compared to what I am feeling right now."
You pause. "I'm just gonna say that you're excited."
"Indeed, I am!" He declares loudly, causing the other patients to glare at you.
You can feel the excitement radiate out from him stronger than a hundred-watt bulb. That's why you love him. Pure energy. Who needs Prozac when you've got Thor?

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" The sonographer pops her head out of the ultrasound room as she calls you in.
"Let's go find out the gender of our baby!" You squeal, grabbing Thor's large hand as you pull him into the room.
"Alright, Miss (Y/L/N), if you can just hop onto the bed and we will find out the gender of your baby for you." The sonographer chirps as she sets up the machine.
Thor helps you onto the bed and stands by your head, stroking your (H/C) hair as he helps you relax.
"Right, let's get started." She smiles as she squirts the lubricating gel onto your stomach.
You flinch as the cold gel lands on your stomach and she starts gently pressing the sensor on your stomach, moving it around in smooth motions.

"Is everything ok?" You question after a few minutes of silence.
Dread creeps into your body and you instantly feel like something is wrong. You grip Thor's hand tighter as the two of you stare at the screen.
"Is there a heartbeat?" You bite your lip in anxiety.
The sonographer has a puzzled expression on her face.
"There is a heartbeat. In fact, there are four." She turns to you with a huge grin on her face. "Congratulations, you're having quadruplets!"
Your brain stutters for a moment and your eyes take in more light than you expect, every part of you goes on pause while your thoughts catch up.
"Quadruplets?" You croak, your mouth is as dry as a bone.
The sonographer nods.
"I've only ever seen this once before, so it's very exciting."
Your (E/C) eyes look up at Thor as you try and gauge his reaction.
"Thor? Honey?" You poke his arm.
His blue eyes dart from the screen to your face, before his face erupts in a huge grinding.
"The sperm of Thor is formidable!"

A/N – I hope you guys liked this! I'm going to start doing random imagines from now on.

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