Pietro - when you meet the Avengers

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Cold, soft hands grip your pale arms as you're dragged through the halls to the council. The Night Dwellers are the most feared vampire council. They show no mercy to lawbreakers; especially women. Many new bloodsuckers believe that murder has no consequence, leading to a lot of them being imprisoned before they reach their first year. The law is that you can't murder humans unless you are feeding, and even just to feed there is a list of who you can and can't drain. For example, homeless people: fine; doctors, lawyers: not fine. However, the penalty for the murder of another vampire is much worse. Death is always the penalty. There has only ever been one case where the vampire got off and that caused a four-year war; which ended with ruthless councils. Other bloodsuckers who have killed are trapped in cages that decorate the sides of the halls. Their constant wailing drives anyone insane who listens long enough.
"Prisoner number two, four, six, zero, one. The Night Dwellers are waiting for you." One of the guards at the doors says in a clear deep voice.
You're dragged through the doors and into a candlelit hall. Three large chairs are seated in the centre of the stone hall. They force you to the cold floor, your knees cracking against the ground. The ripped, black, lace dress smells like dried blood and not decent blood either. The bottom of your bloody, pale, bare feet sting and you wince. The smell of blood will make The Council hungry, so they'll want to hurry the trail along; meaning you'll get an unfair sentence. Three hooded figures glide into the room and they sit down on the throne-like chairs.

"Miss (Y/N) (Y/L/N), you have been summoned here today to receive your sentence. Do you plead to the Council, guilty or not guilty, for the murder of Darick?" One of the lower council members booms.
"Not guilty." You state proudly, your head held high.
The Council gasp as you smirk. Their silence invites you to explain. 
"The bastard attacked me. He tried to take my locket." You study each of their faces as they smile. "It's been passed down for millenniums. It holds something that is irreplaceable."
"You killed because of a locket?" Nicu, the second council member scoffs, attempting to hide his smirk.
"I wasn't just a locket!" You protest. "It holds something that no one, except my bloodline, can control. If released, it could cause chaos."
Astaroth, the third council member, and Mordecai, the first council member try to not look intimidated. Your bloodline is very powerful and your whole family have connections.
"We cannot waste time on this! She killed another Vampire and a council member! She needs to die." Astaroth bellows.
Nicu and Astaroth peer over at the silent Mordecai. He taps his chin with this long, slender finger.
"Death by strangulation." His sharp voice sends chills through you.
Hands grab you from behind, holding you in an upright position. As you look round in desperation, you see the other prisoners craning to get a look at your execution. They'll get your corpse once you're dead.
"No!" You scream, your voice bounces off the walls. "This is bullshit. My father will kill you!"
Mordecai steps out of his chair and removes his cloak. He glides over to your kneeling position and bends down so he's eye level.
"Once you're dead, I am going to throw your corpse into the prisons and let the scum who live there feast on your body." He smirks.
Taking a big breath, you spit in his face and that's when all hell breaks loose. Mordecai grabs your head in a tight hold, but an explosion goes off; knocking you to the side. Mordecai growls at you as you scramble to your numb feet. A blast of air sweeps through the hall and everyone freezes as Mordecai prowls towards you. Shadows flow out of him and you're paralysed as you sink to the floor. He straddles your hips and his hand's coil around your neck like a vice, as they start to choke the life out of you. The doors that you had been dragged through, shatter and eight figures stand in the door.
"Step away from the girl!" A robotic voice commands.
There's a flash of silver and suddenly you feel strong, familiar arms around you. Pietro.

You're in the Avengers tower, snuggled up in a pair of pjs that Wanda, Pietro's twin, has let you borrow. After the Avengers broke into the coven and Pietro saved you, he brought you here. He then introduced you to Wanda and acted all awkward, before speeding off. Weird. The rest of the Avengers returned with a couple of scrapes and bruises. Tony went straight to the bar and poured himself a drink. Natasha and Clint played some sort of game on the Xbox, while Bruce watched. Steve and Thor compared their weapons. Pietro still hasn't returned. Every so often the Avengers glance at you in an uneasy fashion. The elevator pings and out of the doors steps a man clad in black leather.
"Why the hell is that vampire still alive?"

Before You Go (Avengers x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora