Bucky - when you first meet

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You hang upside down in your bleak, cold cell. You (H/C) tail wraps around the bars at the top of the cage. Three years you've been here, three years since you've been outside, three years since you were normal. When you were first caught by Hydra they only wanted to test some stuff and kill you, but the numerous experiments went horribly wrong. They inserted the genes of a spider monkey into you. You grew a strong tail and you were able to climb like a monkey. Hydra kept you a secret, they couldn't let you get out. You swing to the next bar and start reading a book. Alarms start blaring and you jump down swiftly. Racing to the bars, you try to get the attention of the guards but they run past you without any acknowledgement. Damn!
"Hey! Let me out! I'll help fight!" You scream, banging on the bars.
Suddenly, all the lights turn off and the electric cells open. You and the other experiments walk out cautiously. Everyone follows you since you've been here the longest. You eager (E/C) eyes search the corridors for any signs of a break-in, but everything's silent. You turn to the followers.
"Half of you go left, the rest of you go right. I'll go on ahead alone."
They nod, scrambling to their positions. You venture forward, swinging from the ceiling to increase your speed and distance. You come towards a door that has a green sign saying 'exit'. You push open the door, to be met with a large blinding light and fresh air. You shield your eyes with the back of your hand as you step outside. Smoke starts seeping out of the building as you run into the woods. Everything is so fresh and alive. The sound of the birds makes you feel free for the first time in three years. You climb up into a tree and start swinging from branch to branch; stretching your sore limbs. Suddenly you hear a voice, causing you to fall from the branches. With a squeal, you land in a heap on the cold ground. A man with long brown hair and a metal arm holds your neck tightly.
"Who are you?" He growls.
You claw helplessly at his metal hand.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)."
"Are you a Hydra agent?" His hand tightens at the question.
You shake your head.
"I was captured by them three years ago. I just escaped."
He drops you to the ground.
"James Barnes. But everyone calls me Bucky." He looks to the ground, almost nervously, but speaks with clear confidence. "I'm going to have to take you with me. Just for your own protection."
"Okay." You shrug, following him through the forest.
"You're going to have a good life, (Y/N), that's a Bucky promise. S.H.I.E.L.D will protect you and so will I. You needn't worry about Hydra finding you now."
You beam up at him, your face full of respect and gratitude. You're going to enjoy living now.

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