Clint - One

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Imagine: spending Christmas with Clint

"BUT IT'S CHRISTMAS!" You screech.
"I don't think Hydra agents really care, (Y/N)." Clint mumbles.
"But it's Christmas." You mutter helplessly.
"The two of you need to leave as soon as possible." Nick Fury growls. "Hydra has taken over an old base in Siberia, and we need as much intel as possible before they settle in. You two need to wrap up warm; it's going to be a cold few weeks."

You roll your eyes and storm out of the conference room, followed by Clint. You head straight to Tony Starks fully stocked bar and grab a drink, downing it quickly.
"So, are we packing, or are we drinking?" Clint questions as he leans up against the bar.
"I am drinking." You state. "You can go and pack while I drink enough to cover me for Christmas."
You place your now empty glass on the bar and hang your head as your eyes brim with tears. Christmas is a special time of year for you. It is when you are able to spend time with your family and distance yourself from your work and The Avengers. As much as you love The Avengers and your work, you sometimes just want to be normal. The overbearing pressure of being perfect and being a pawn just gets too much sometimes; you need a break.

Clint's face softens. "Come on, (Y/N/N), you never know we might be back in time for Christmas."
You laugh. "You really think we could be done in five days? Clint, nothing we do ever goes smoothly."
His hand reaches across the bar and gently touches yours.
"I know how much Christmas means to you."
You scoff. "Yeh, cause you have a family to go home to. This is your home. My home is three thousand miles away on the sunny coast of California."
Clint withdraws his hand, his face is filled with hurt, and you feel slightly guilty.
"We better go pack." He mumbles, walking out of the room.
You sigh loudly and head to your bedroom to pack your bag.

The journey to Siberia is silent and awkward, and your cheeks are still tear-stained from your conversation with your family. They were so disappointed that you can't make Christmas, and things were said that can't be taken back. Clint sits opposite you in the jet, not speaking, and you feel like you might have upset him. You smile sadly at him, but he averts your gaze.

"So, who's your secret Santa?" You question.
Clint doesn't meet your eyes. "We aren't supposed to tell people."
He kills the conversation quickly, and you take the hint, tapping your fingers on your knee, but you quickly give in.
"Clint, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. It's just-" You throw your head into your hands. "Christmas is my only time to be normal and forget that at any minute aliens could come and attack us. But that is no excuse, I shouldn't have said those things. The Avengers is a great family, and I love them."
Clint sighs softly but doesn't say anything. His posture is slightly more relaxed, and you feel somewhat better.

The jet lands in a snowy clearing. You grab your pack and head off into the wilderness. Clint walks silently next to you. It's freezing cold, and you need to find shelter before dark. Clint follows a map, and after an hour of walking, he finally stops.

"We can make camp here." He mutters, dropping his heavy pack on the ground.
You nod, quickly surveying the area while Clint sets up the tent. You gather some wood and stone and start the make a campfire. The two of you work silently and efficiently until everything is set up and you can settle.

You sit by the fire, wrapped in many warm layers. Clint is inside his tent, telling Fury that we have landed and set up camp. He exits his tent and comes and sits next to you. You pass him a mug of coffee, and he smiles gratefully. He takes a deep breath and hands you a small polaroid picture.
"What's this?" You question looking at the picture.
The picture shows a pretty brunette and three children.
"That's my family." Clint states, glancing fondly over at the picture. "My wife Laura, and our three children Cooper, Lila, and Nathaniel."
You stare at the picture, speechless.
"I-I didn't know." You mumble.
Clint smiles. "Fury helped set us up when I first joined S.H.I.E.L.D. He kept it off the record. Only Natasha knows."
"So, I guess you do know what it is like to miss Christmas."
He nods, and you pass him back the picture.
"We usually celebrate Christmas a few days after. I can usually get back to the farm for a few days." He pauses. "If we get back in time, you can celebrate with us."
You smile warmly.
"Thank you, Clint."

The two of you complete the mission with success and return swiftly to New York. The festivities of Christmas are over, and you are disappointed in missing out on the normalities of Christmas.

You slump onto your bed and close your heavy eyes, but a knock at the door disturbs you.
"Hey, (Y/N), I'm heading home if you want to join me for Christmas two-point-o?" Clint asks as he pokes his head around the door.
You sit up and smile at Clint.
"Are you sure?"
Clint nods. "Laura insisted, and the kids are excited to meet another Avenger."
"You mean your kids are finally able to meet an actual cool Avenger?"
Clint scowls at you. "Okay, the offer is revoked."
"No, no, no, no." You screech catapulting yourself off the bed and towards Clint.
You engulf the archer in your arms and hug him tight.
"Thank you, Clint."
"Merry Christmas, (Y/N)."

Before You Go (Avengers x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora