Tony - when you first meet

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You stick your middle finger up at the guy who just overtook you. Jackass. You're learning how to drive and Pepper, your sister, is teaching you. She's very calm, unlike you. All these idiots on the road make you feel ill and dizzy. Taking a deep breath, you place your sweaty hand on the gear stick and you try to reverse. But, apparently today, everything and everyone hates you. You slam into the car behind you and Pepper screams.
"(Y/N), what the hell?"
"I don't know!" You scream back.
You both calm down and climb out of the car, your knees weak. As soon as you see the number plate you freeze. You just crashed into Tony Stark's fricking car! You glance at Pepper pleadingly, but she just holds her hands up.
"I'm not helping you. You crashed the car."
"Pepper, please. You used to work for him." You give her your best puppy dog eyes.
She rolls her eyes. "With him!" She sighs. "Fine."

When Tony arrives he smirks at you, completely ignoring the dent in his car. You can't get over how sexy he looks. His jeans hang low off his waist, almost taunting you and his shirt clings to him in all the right places.
"What can I owe this pleasure too? Two pretty ladies, standing in front of my car."
"My little sister, (Y/N), crashed into your car." Pepper explains.
Tony just shrugs and you look shocked.
"I'm sure we can work something out." He winks and you blush wildly.
"Oh, no, no, no. She's not sleeping with you!"
Tony throws up his hands in defence. "Pepper, I wasn't suggesting that. How about I drop you off at home and I take (Y/N) for a drink?"
Pepper tries to speak but you cut her off.
"Sure. I'm really sorry about your car."
He scoffs. "I needed a new one anyway."
He climbs into the driver's seat of our car and you ride shotgun, grinning as Pepper squishes into the back.

After he dropped off Pepper, Tony drives you to the tower making idle chit-chat. He expertly parks in the garage but you stop him from getting out of the car.
"Tony, I don't want to be just another girl that comes over once and then you hide in the morning until she's gone. If you're going to do that I'd prefer to walk home." You look at your feet.
A soft hand cups your chin and Tony looks into your (E/C) eyes. He pushes your (H/C) hair from your face before planting a kiss on your cheek.
"(Y/N), I've liked you ever since Pepper first introduced us."
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. "I-I've met you before?"
He nods. "You came here because Pepper said that you needed a job. One your second day you bumped your head and fell unconscious. The concussion made you forget everything that happened."
You have no idea what to say. Thankfully, Tony senses that and he gets out of the car. He opens the door for you like a true gentleman and leads you into the elevator. Once you two sneak into his room, without the other people in the building seeing, he offers you a drink and you gladly take it. After today's events, you're gonna need a lot of alcohol. You fall back onto his King sized bed with a sigh.
"You can sleep here tonight." Tony says with a smirk.
"Sure. Thank you. I think if I go home Pepper will be mad at me."
He grins and sits next to you. Slowly, and almost cautiously, he starts to stroke your (H/C) hair; forcing your eyes to close as you fall into a dark abyss of dreams.

Your (E/C) eyes snap open. What happened last night? You notice a snoring Tony sleeping softly. Both of you are still fully clothed; thank god. Carefully, you untangle yourself from the sheets and you walk out of the room. No one's around, so you quickly move towards the elevator.
"Morning, (Y/N)." An unknown voice smirks.
You jump, trying to find the owner for that voice, but you find nothing.
"After you fell asleep Tony told us about you. It's nice to meet you." A figure swings down from a vent and bows. "I'm Clint Barton."
"Hawkeye." You gasp.
He chuckles and guides you into the living room as you quickly stumble for words.
"I'm not another girl he just slept with. I'm going now."
"Tony told me not to let you leave. I know that you two didn't have casual sex. Tony would be up and hiding by now. Most of the girls he brings over lounge about wearing hardly anything."
"T-Tony has girls around often?" You feel a pang of jealousy.
"Not recently. Come and have some breakfast."
He guides you into the kitchen and you grin at a picture of you, Tony and Pepper.

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