Doctor Strange - when you go on holiday

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"Ms (Y/L/N), welcome to the Avengers Tower." Stephen smiles.
"Um, thanks?" You mumble, feeling your heart beat faster inside your chest.
Your palms start to sweat as all of the Avengers look over to you. What if they find out who you really are?
"But, I kinda have to go." You step backwards, attempting to head towards the elevator.
A hand lands on your wrist. Stephen.
"(Y/N), please. I know what you are." He stares directly at you; your chests are almost touching.
It had been too chaotic to get a good look at them before, but his eyes are seriously blue. Almost sickeningly blue – full on Prince Charming, a field of cornflower, perfect, cloudless sky blue. Someone should name a crayon after the guy.
"You know nothing about me." I whisper, so only he can hear, before stepping back.
The Avengers are staring at us, but at this moment it's just Strange and you. Your phone beeps suddenly, breaking the trance, and you quickly check the message.

34.0522 ̊ N, 118.2437 ̊ W
High risk

You look back up at Stephen.
"Duty calls."
"You're supposed to be here." His hand touches your wrist. "I can sense your power, (Y/N). An ancient, raw power."
You shake your head, pulling your hand away.
"Wrong person."

The Next Day...
Its midmorning by the time you arrive in LA but its already boiling hot. You start heading towards the coordinates your sister sent you. LA is such a corrupt city, contrary to its name, and the people are so rude. No wonder hell is having to expand its LA area. The closer you get to the escaped soul, the hotter your skin feels. It's like this every time. The souls aren't supposed to be out of hell for very long. It always ends in explosions.

You follow your senses; the temperature of your skin rises.
"Come out, come out wherever you are." You sing, stepping down an alleyway.
Your skin is burning now. You're close.
"Time to go home, buddy? Your time on earth has come and gone, hell is your new home."
You take the soul box from your bag and you place it on the floor before opening it. A bright red light shines from the box. It should draw the soul near. The sound of glass breaking comes from behind you, and you spin around quickly, just in time to see a baseball bat swing in front of you. A pain explodes across your head.
"Ouch." You mutter, looking up at the man.
The skin around his eyes seems to be rotting away to revel purple underneath.
"Well shit ..." You gasp as your eyes roll to the back of your head.

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