Vision - One

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Imagine: Vision walking into your room while you are changing.

You strip down and step slowly into the shower, turning the water on high and letting it beat over your head in steamy rivulets. Running a hand through your (H/C) hair, you feel the water as the heat soaks into your skin, you lean against the cool tiles and watch as the stale blood and grime swirls down the plughole. You want to stay in the shower forever, it gives you an escape from the reality of your life as an Avenger. Your only alone time from the ongoing threats that plague the earth. The water runs cold and you quickly hop out, reaching for a towel to dry yourself off. You search the small shared bathroom for your clothes before cursing.

You open the bathroom door and peek your head around.
"Wanda? Nat? Vision?"
Empty. Sighing in relief, you walk out and grab your clothes, dropping the towel on the floor. You slip into your underwear and roughly towel dry your hair.

"(Y/N), have you-"
"VIS!" You scream as the synthezoid materializes out of nowhere.
Out of fear, you throw your lace bra at the synthezoid's face; the garment leaving your hands before you can even register your actions.
"Don't you ever knock?"
His blue-grey eyes go wide as the lace bra falls from his face an into his hands.
"Oh, I ... I didn't ... um ..." He stutters. "I didn't realise you were in your ... um ... undergarments. I'll wait outside. I'm ... um ... I'm sorry. I'll wait outside."
He stays rooted on the spot, looking around the room.
"Vision." You glare. "You're still here and you are still holding my bra."
"Right, sorry." He turns around and walks back through the wall in which he entered the room; taking the bra with him.
"Vis, wait!" You attempt to call him back but he has already gone. "Shit."

Running a hand through your (H/C) hair in frustration, you quickly throw on some clothes and grab your phone. Scrolling to Tony's name you send him a quick text.

We really need to teach Vis to knock before entering!!!!

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