Tony - when he finds out you have a boyfriend

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Tony's POV...
The elevator opens directly into a private office, a huge room occupying the corner of the building with floor-to-ceiling windows giving views in two directions: Fifth Avenue to the east, and Central Park just a few blocks north. The two remaining walls contain a door, a low bookshelf, and a single oil painting – a vase of flowers by Vincent van Gogh. This place is way too serious. I walk further into the room, my trainers squeaking on the laminate floor. I reach the black desk, the glass surface is equally uncluttered: a computer, a leather notebook, and a framed photograph of a girl and boy hugging. I take out my phone.
"JARVIS, scan the room." I mumble. "Let's see if this dude is hiding anything."
"I detect an air current, from the bookshelf to the right, sir. It appears there is a room behind it."

I walk towards the bookshelf, but before I can do anything, the elevator doors open. I spin round, like a deer caught in the headlights, and slip my phone into my blazer pocket.
"Mr Stark!" Dan Potts pauses. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to speak to you." I lie, stepping towards him with a wide smile.
"So, you broke into my office." He smirks and walks to his desk. "I can't stay for long, Mr Stark. I am meeting my daughter and her boyfriend." He motions to the picture on his desk.
"Oh shit." I whisper. "You're (Y/N)'s father."
"You know my darling daughter..." The look of disappointment on his face almost makes me laugh.
I nod, slumping into the light grey chair. Dan walks around his room, pausing at the bookshelf. I take out my phone and study the scan of the room, noticing a large hallway on the other side of the wall.
"So, tell me about (Y/N)'s boyfriend." I grin, trying to buy time for JARVIS to hack into the main computers.
"He is one of the most honourable men I know. Our families are close and the two of them just connected. Rory is proposing tonight, I came back to get the ring."
My heart sinks. (Y/N) is getting engaged? I want to leave the room, get my suit and blow some shit up. I remain calm when my phone buzzes.
"I hope he makes (Y/N) happy." I mutter truthfully.
The grey-haired man glances at me as he picks up a small black box.
"Let me tell you one thing, Mr Stark. Stay away from my daughter. She is happy with Rory and I don't want anyone ruining that. Least of all you." He sneers in my face. "Do not contact her in any way. Forget about her. She likes you, Tony. But I don't."
I step back as he walks to the elevator.
"Have a good day, Mr Stark."

I smirk, raising my hand in a goodbye gesture. As soon as the elevator doors close, I flip the desk in blind rage. Asshole! No one tells a Stark what to do. I move to the bookshelf and pull it away from the wall, to reveal a door.
"I am going to expose you for the criminal you are." I growl, before consulting JARVIS and stepping into the draftee hallway.

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