Bruce - when you first meet

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You sprint through the rainforest with a pack of five young Clouded Leopards at your feet. You turn a sharp corner, only to be blocked by a growling cat. She pounces at you; throwing you to the floor. Giggling, you try to move her face away from yours as it licks you.
"Get off, Narla!" You manage to say in between giggles.
Ever since you found out that you're a witch you fled to the rainforest. No one knows you're here and that's how it's going to stay. You can manipulate your surroundings. The rainforest is the best place for you. You move your (H/L) (H/C) hair from your eyes as you stand up and dust the dirt from your (F/C) shorts. Narla calls to the others and they jump playfully from the bushes to settle down in the clearing. These Leopard's help protect you, they guard you from hostile forces. So far, anyone who has tried to take you, has been ripped to shreds. The three younger boys, Blitz, Khan and Haze, lie down in the middle of the clearing. The two older girls, Narla and Twilight, prowl the edges; keeping guard while you snuggle up to the boys. Carefully, you set some traps around the outside for extra protection. You close your (E/C) eyes, enjoying the moment of bliss. Suddenly, that moment is shattered by the yells of help. Narla and Twilight jump into protective stances and the boy's growl.
"Narla, go left. Twilight, go right." You command. "Khan, Haze, come to my sides. Blitz behind."
Everyone moves into position and you summon some vines. They shoot forward; pulling a naked man back towards you. His black devilish curls are covered in sweat and he looks around with fright. The vines suspend him in the air as you look at him carefully. Remembering that he's naked, you use the vines to cover up his private parts.
"If you try to kill me it won't end well." He mumbles.
"Is that a threat?" You ask, shifting your hands so the vines tighten.
He winces. "Please. I'm not here to hurt you. Can I have some clothes?"
You quickly grab your backpack; pulling out some men's clothes you pass them to him. He accepts them with a small nod and you call the pack off. They lie back down on the floor, watching the man carefully. Dropping your hands, the vines let go and he falls to the ground in a heap. You strike up a fire and sit by it, glancing at the man every so often. Once he's dressed, he sits opposite you and places his head in his hands.
"You okay?" Your voice is laced with concern. "Do you need any food?"
He nods and you pass him some fruits and berries.
"It's all I have." You apologise meekly. "Where did you come from?"
"I ran away. The other guy lost control."
"O-other guy?" You stutter with confusion.
"I'm Bruce Banner." His eyes meet yours.
Your mouth forms an 'o' shape as you finally realise that he's The Hulk.
"So you're not here to kill or harm me?"
He shakes his head and stares at the fire.
"I'm (Y/N). I live here. These are my friends and protection." You introduce him to each leopard and he pets them cautiously. "You can stay with me. Last time I was in a city, I destroyed a couple of blocks. Killed people. Now I live here in peace."
"You've killed people?"
You look to the floor in embarrassment.
"I can't control my powers unless I'm used to the surroundings. They call me Vortex. You're not the only one who's a monster."
He smiles kindly at you as you shuffle over to him.
"You can stay with me and I'll teach you how to survive here."
He looks at with awe.
"Thank you, (Y/N)."
You grin.
"Come on, big guy. Let's settle down, you look exhausted."
He nods and curls up on the floor as you watch him from the corner of your eye. At least you've got some human company.

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