Loki - five

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Imagine: Loki breaking up with you to keep you safe from Thanos...

Loki's words fall out of his mouth like vapour but land in your guts as shrapnel. You feel your insides tear, and the blood drain from your face. You would laugh, but he's deadly serious. His eyes are cold like you've never seen, and his features immobile. He looks like someone about to vomit. You are trying to understand the words he is telling you, but you can't. He must love you, he has for so many years, and to be honest, you think he's the only one that ever has. Then he turns to go, shoulders sunken and his hands in his pockets. Before you know what you are doing, you're standing in his way, and you lock eyes, the perfect distance for a kiss, but he shakes his head. You can see your pain mirrored in his dark eyes.

"Loki." You breathe, tears building up in your (E/C) eyes. "Please."

He attempts to stay strong, but you can see his own salty tears.

"I have to do this. I need to keep you safe from Thanos." He runs a shaky hand through his hair as he steps away from you. "He will use you against me."

"So, by breaking my heart, you're protecting me?" You shake your head in disbelief. "Loki, we will get through this together. I am an Avenger, I can do this."

You watch as Loki moves to his bed and slumps down. He looks so defeated; all you want to do is cuddle and kiss him.

"I have to do this!" He protests.

"This isn't just on you." You shout back, tears freefalling down your cheeks. "We do things together! We always have!"

He stands up and starts pacing, whereas you remain rooted by the table. It's hard to believe that just last night, you were lying in his bed, smiling and laughing.

"I don't love you anymore." He whispers.

"What?" You double take on what he just said.

He looks up at you with those jade green eyes that you adore.

"I don't love you anymore."

Even though he doesn't mean it and just wants to make you mad, those words still pack a powerful punch. Your stomach drops, and you want to be sick.


"I haven't for a while." He carries on. "I just pitied you. After you got rescued from Hydra, I felt like we had to look after you. You have just been a burden to us."

Clenching your jaw, you stride forward and grab your packed bag. With one last glance at Loki, you tug the diamond engagement ring off your finger and launch it at him.

"I don't ever want to hear from you again! If I even hear your name, I will hunt you down and kill you." You screech, throwing open the bedroom door and storming out.

Salty tears fall faster now, and you take deep bone shaking breaths. Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see life with a clearer view again.

A blurry shape lumbers up to you are you fumble with the elevator buttons.

"(Y/N)." Thor's deep voice is filled with sorrow. "I begged him not to do it."

You turn to face him.

"Bye, Thor." You snarl coldly, stepping into the open elevator.

With one last breath, you press the ground floor button and watch as the doors silently close.

Thor watches you go before entering Loki's room. He steps on something and when he moves his foot his heart breaks for his brother. (Y/N)'s engagement ring. Thor pockets it before directing his attention to Loki. Loki is lying on the bed, eyes closed. His chest heaves with a quiet sob, and tears well up behind his eyelids, slipping down his cheeks without resistance. Another sob wracks him, followed by a thin wail. He curls on his side and weeps, shoulders heaving. Thor sits on the bed, looking at his younger brother.

"I am so sorry, Loki." Thor mutters.

Loki just remains silent as Thor fiddles with the ring.

"Once this is all over, you can find her." Thor attempts to comfort Loki.

"She despises me." Loki mutters as he sits up and faces his older brother. "And I don't blame her, but I must keep her safe from Thanos."

Thor wants to say something to comfort his brother, but words fail him.

"I just lost the one person I have truly loved because I was fuelled by anger and greed!" He clenches his fists and observes Thor. "Let's get the team together and hunt Thanos down!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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