Bruce - Two

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Imagine: spending Christmas with Bruce

Peace and quiet, finally. The silence is like music to your ears. Everything is so calm and tranquil; you can only imagine how relaxed Bruce is feeling. After another year of fighting, living in the chaos of being an Avenger, and dealing with Tony Stark twenty-four-seven, the two of you are happy to finally be alone in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by snow. Perfection.

"Hey, sweetie, do you think we can move out here permanently?" You smile over a mug of hot chocolate. "I love this place more than I love (F/F), and you know how much I love (F/F)!"
Bruce walks into the living room, a huge smile on his face. He looks ten years younger without all the stress of work.
"The Big Guy would love it here with all the space to run around." You sit up, patting the space on the couch next to you.
Bruce takes a seat next to you, and you lie your legs across his lap.
"He isn't a dog." Bruce laughs.

People think of laughing as a noise that comes from the mouth, but when Bruce laughs, it is nothing like that. The laugh is in his eyes, in the way his face changes into that vision of relaxed joy and unrestrained mirth. His laugh is soothing. His smile is achingly beautiful.

"Oh, please, you know just as well as I do that Hulk would love it here. We all would." You hint.
"We couldn't move here. It's too far out from the city. And we both know that you would get bored within the month." Bruce places his warm hand on your bare legs and rubs your shin.
You pout. "Maybe we could do a month here and a month in the city. Change it up."
"The whole point of coming to this place is for it to be a treat and a way for us to relax."
You roll your (E/C) eyes. "You're so mean."
Bruce raises his eyebrows at you.
"Fine, if I'm so mean, then maybe I won't give you your present."

You sit up abruptly, spilling your hot chocolate in the excitement. Bruce chuckles as he takes the mug off you and stands up, stepping out of the room.
"You got me a present?" Your grin nearly splits your face.
Bruce comes back into the room with a towel and a neatly wrapped box. He wipes your legs and passes you the present.
"I take it back; you aren't mean. You are the best!"
You lean forward and cup your hand around the back of his neck, drawing Bruce in for a kiss.
"You might want to open it before saying how much you love me."

You carefully tear into the present and pop the lid off the black box. Nestled on top of a small white cushion is a silver key. You pause in confusion.
"It's a key." You state.
"Well done, Sherlock." Bruce laughs.
"No, I mean, we already live together, and we don't use keys in the tower." You look up at Bruce, who fails to meet your gaze.
He is nervous. You can tell by the way he is playing with the sleeves of his jumper.
"That's because this key isn't for the tower. It's for our new house."
Your heart leaps with joy, and you catapult yourself into Bruce's arms, hugging him like he is the only thing keeping you rooted to the earth.
"It's not as far out as this place, but it's further away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and we are still close to work. I thought we could do with our own place."
"It's perfect!" You gasp, tears welling in your eyes.

You detach yourself from Bruce and reach behind the couch for your present. Now it's your turn to be nervous as you pass him the rectangular box. He gently unwraps the gift and opens the black box. Placed inside is a positive pregnancy test. Bruce's mouth falls open in a gasp, and his eyes meet yours.
"Does this mean?"
You nod as the both of you start to cry.
"You're going to be a dad, Brucie."
Bruce places the test on the coffee table and scoops you up into his arms. He holds you close. You are his world, and now that world is getting a little bit bigger.
"Merry Christmas, my love!" You whisper in his ear.
"Merry Christmas, my sweet."
Bruce captures your lips with his, and the two of you remain in the warm embrace.

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