Clint - when you first meet

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You scream as his fist collides with your cheek. Six weeks you've been trapped in the same cold cell. Hydra took you when you were on a mission. They killed the other agents but kept you alive. Maybe it's because you're close to Fury. You spit blood in his face as he comes closer to you. Unfortunately, that action leads to you being punched in the face more and kicked in the ribs. Your arms ache from being held above your head in chains.
"Enough!" A voice booms. "Let me talk to her now."
You roll your (E/C) eyes.
"I'm Callum, and I'm going to ask you some questions and you're going to answer me. Tell me about the Avengers."
You sigh. "I don't know anything about them. Okay? It's not my division."
"But you have powers, no?"
You nod slowly. "I control the elements."
"So why aren't you part of the Avengers?"
You shrug to the best of your ability. "They're scared of me. I don't know the full aspect of my powers."
He pinches the bridge of his nose and bows his head. He turns his back to you as a table is wheeled in. A towel covers the top, obstructing your view. They exchange words before Callum removes the towel and grabs something. He places the deadly looking tool in front of you and smirks. A leather strap sits around a metal pole. At either end of the pole is a fork-like shape. You shudder.
"This, my dear, is a Heretics Fork."
One end of the device is pushed under your chin, the other to the sternum, and the strap is used to secure your neck to the tool.
"If your head drops, the prongs will pierce your throat and chest." Callum says as he moves back toward the table.
He holds something to the side of him and you strain your eyes to see. However, your (E/C) eyes widen when you notice the tool. A cat o'nine tails. Your breath starts to quicken as Callum moves toward you with a sly smile. He cracks the whip and you flinch, causing the Heretics Fork to dig into your neck and chest. He walks behind you and cuts the thin piece of material that is keeping your modesty covered, off your back. The material flutters to the floor and lands in a heap as the first lash is laid upon your back. You scream, but it comes out as more of a choking sound, due to the fork impaling your neck. The whip carries on scraping your bare back, inflicting more pain each time. Your vision swarms with black dots and you fight to stay conscious. You can't let your head droop! You feel a warm stinging feeling dripping down your back and you immediately know that he's pierced the skin.
"You ready to comply, love?" Callum asks after twenty-five whips.
You try to string some words together but you can't. He sighs and you hear him raising the whip, but the blow never arrives. Instead, something whizzes past your ear and lands with a thud behind you. A handsome man jogs into the room, carrying a bow and arrow.
"My name is Hawkeye, I'm here to save you, Ms (Y/L/N)."
He moves towards you and undoes the Heretics Fork, before letting your arms down. With no support, you fall to the floor in a heap and you whimper. You're topless in front of a complete stranger. You move your arms to cover your breasts but 'Hawkeye' gives you his jacket; leaving his extremely toned muscles exposed.
"You're going to be okay. I'm with you now."
He helps you up, keeping one hand firmly on your waist and leads you through the corridor. S.H.I.E.L.D agents line the hallways and you stare at the floor embarrassed. Once you're outside you thank 'Hawkeye'.
"Thank you." You whisper, lightly kissing his cheek.
You manage to see him blush a dark shade of red before you pass out.

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