Chapter 7: Part 1

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Hello my beautiful people <3 :)

Here is the first part of chapter 7. I know i am a week late to upload, but life has been really busy. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter.


-Crazy Chick


I slowly walk down the now empty hallway as I make my way to the after school detention room. I would be home by now, but no. Ms. Hill decides to give me after school detention for a week just because I was ten minutes late for her class. I mean, seriously?! I swear that teacher has something against me!

Plus, Cam not turning up at Lunch didn’t help with my mood. I waited at the back of the school for 10 minutes before receiving a message from Cam saying he couldn’t make it. Instead he has rescheduled our meeting for tomorrow. I sigh. I really don’t need this complication in my life right now.

I mentally groan once I reach the detention room. I slowly walk in and hand the supervising teacher my detention slip. He quietly goes through what I have to do for the next hour, which may I mention is just sit there and act like I don’t exist.

I turn around and slowly make my way to the empty seat at the back. There are only 2 other boys in the detention room making me the only girl.

I sigh as I take my seat. I look at the clock and realize I still have 58 minutes to go. If I only had a time machine.

The next 10 minutes go by slowly. I lean my head down onto the desk and close my eyes. I might as well have a little nap as I have nothing better to do.

My mind starts to drift off into sleep before a voice immediately makes me sit up. I immediately glare at the figure walking towards me.

“What are you doing here Zac?” I ask him in an angry whisper, as he takes the seat next to me. He faces me with that god damn, annoying smirk.

“Don’t you want me here babe?” He asks, that smirk not leaving his face. This guy has got to be stupid or something to think that I would want him here.

“First of all, I’m not your babe. And second of all, does it look I want you here?” I finish, anger rising in my voice.

His eyes twinkled with amuesment. 

“First of all,” he starts off, mimicking my voice. This makes me want to punch his bloody face in. I would have, except there was a teacher present.

“you like being called babe. And second, its none of your business why I am here.”, he finishes.

Instead of answering him, I turn away and face the front of the room. I decide to take out my English homework. I might as well start on it as I have nothing else better to do anyway.

“Your never going to change are you?”

My body stiffens at the sound of Zac’s voice, right next to my ear. His breath fans the side of my ear and neck, making the hairs at the back of my neck stand on end. My heart starts beating faster. I should push him away, I know that, but I cant get myself to move.

I mentally scold myself. I have to snap out of this! I shouldnt be scared of Zac!

After a couple more seconds, I bring myself to push Zac away. I glare at him.

“Have you ever heard of personal space?” I whisper yell at him. He chuckles quietly.

“You like me in your personal space. Don’t deny it babe.” He says, confidently. I roll my eyes.

The School Player vs ME [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now