Chapter 4:

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Ok guys, so here is the next chapter. I know it has been FOREVER since i last uploaded but i have been like super duper busy. Anyway i hope you enjoy this. I know it is short but i just wanted to quickly upload something for you guys. The next chapter will hopefully be up really soon. I hope this is enough for now.


-Crazy Chick



“Zac, just tell me!” I nearly start yelling. Zac just stares at me for a second before he opens his mouth.

“I punched him because he's a murderer."


I just stare at him. He stares at me.

“Say something.” Zac says, his voice quiet.

I am quite for a second but then I realize something. He is messing with me. Yeah, that’s right. Cam is not  a murderer. Its crazy. I mean if he was a murderer he would be in jail. Right? And like I said, this is probably just one of his stupid games.

I am not going to fall for his games anymore. I have had enough.

“You want me to say something?” I ask him my voice low. I am trying not to yell. I have to keep calm.

“Well-“ I cut him off.

To hell with staying calm! I cant take it anymore.


With that I stand up and storm off too my room, not giving Zac a second glance. I don’t care if I hurt his feelings. He can go to hell for all I care. The whole neighborhood probably heard me but right now, I couldn’t care less. 

As soon as I get to room I slam the door shut and jump onto my bed and let out all the tears I had been trying to hold in.

How could Zac do something like that? He is always ruining everything.

More tears stream down my face. I hate Zac. I really do.


The next morning I wake up to the sound of music blasting from Zac’s room.

I groan and look at the time. It’s 7am. And it’s a Saturday.

“TURN DOWN THE MUSIC!” I yell. No answer. Instead, the music gets louder. I try to block out the music, but I cant. That’s it. I storm out of bed and down the hall. He is so going to pay for this.

I try to open his door but its locked.

“ZAC TURN DOWN THE MUSIC!” I yell. No answer. I slam my fist hard against his door.

“ZAC DID YOU HEAR WHAT I SAID!?” I yell again. No answer.


The music stops. The house goes dead quite. I stand there for a minute, then I slowly drag myself back to my room. I walk to my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I gasp. I look like a zombie from hell.

My hair looks like a birds nest and my eyes are blood shot from all the crying and the lack of sleep I had last night. I also had mascara smeared around my eyes and mascara streaked tears down my cheek. I sigh and pick up my brush and start to brush my hair.

After 10 minutes of brushing all the knots out of my hair, I scrub my face until my face was clean of makeup. I then hop into the shower and try to wash away all the events of last night.

It doesn’t work. My mind is spinning with what happend last night. It is also spinning with worry about Cam. He will probably never speak to me again. I try to think about something else.

Once I have made myself look decent, I head off down stairs to get breakfast. My parents are not going to be home all day so its just me and Zac in the house. Oh the joy! 

I stop dead in my tracks when I reach the kitchen. Zac is sitting on the dining table eating his breakfast. How did he get down here so fast? I never even heard him leave his room. He looks up from his breakfast and gives me his trade mark grin.

“Morning.” He says. I just glare at him and walk to the fridge.

How could he just sit there and pretend like last night didn’t happen? What about all those things he said to me? 

I scan the fridge for something decent to eat. I pick out the milk and close the fridge. I walk over to the pantry and pull out my favorite cereal. Rice Bubbles.

“So what are your plans for today?”  Zac asks me as I sit down on the dining table, as far away from him as possible.

I don’t answer him. I just eat my cereal.

“Are you really going to ignore me?” he asks. I don’t answer him. I am not going to talk to him ever again. He is a jerk and I hate him.

“Fine then. Ignore me. But I guess you wont be getting your precious phone back.” He says. I can practically feel him grinning. I look up from my cereal bowl to find him holding my phone in his hand.

Hear he goes again with his stupid games.

“Give it back Zac.” I say in my low dangerous voice. He shakes his head, still grinning.


“Zac give it back now!” I half yell. He just shakes his head again and goes back to his breakfast. I get up off my seat and try to grab my phone out of his hand. He pulls away before I get the chance.

“You think fighting me to get the your phone back is going to work?” he asks me still grinning. God, one day I really am going to find a way to wipe that grin off of his face.

“It’s the only way I can think of.” I hiss back. He is really pissing me off right now.

“Have you ever heard of asking nicely?”

“You expect me to be nice to you?” I ask him. He looks at me and shrugs.

“You really are an ass-hole.” I say.

“And you really are a bitch.” He says back. The grin was completely gone from his face. It is now replaced with a look I have never seen before. Anger? Betrayl? Sadness? I don’t know, but whatever it is, it was new to me.

“Oh im the bitch am I?! After what you did last night your the bad guy here. How can you expect me to be nice to you? All you ever do is find ways to ruin everything good I have in my life.” I can feel tears forming in my eyes. Zac abruptly stands up and walks out the room.

“Whatever.” He says before leaving the room.

“Where are you going?” I yell after him.

“None of your buisness.” He yells back. With that, he slams the front door. I just stand there unable to move. I hear the car pull out of the driveway and down the road.

What did I ever do wrong to deserve someone like Zac to be in my life? 




-Crazy Chick

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