Chapter 13:

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Here is the long awaited chapter 13 :) Im really sorry that its late! Anyways, I hope you enjoy <3

I also want to say a BIG BIG BIG THANK YOU to all of you who have been reading, commenting and voting for my story! It means the absolute world to me. I cant thank you guys enough!


-Crazy Chick


I wince in pain, when the truck comes to a rough stop. I have been wincing in pain the whole ride, since Derek has been driving like an idiot. 

I look around frantically, trying to figure out where in the world Derek has brought me. We are at what looks like a deserted warehouse, that is surrounded by gravel and tress.

My heart starts to beat faster when I hear Derek getting out of the truck and coming around to get me. 

"How was the drive sweetheart?" he asks me with a smug smirk. I resist the urge throw the hammer next to me at him and instead shoot daggers at him. He bloody well knows how it went! I now know where Zac gets some of his traits from.

"Dont call me sweetheart!" I snap. Who the hell gave him the right to kidnap me and my parents, drag me to god knows where to do god knows what, and then call me sweetheart?!!! I sure as hell did not!

He laughs at my response and climbs into the back of the truck.

"Dont get smart with me, Katie. You dont know who your deaing with." he says, a hint of anger in his voice. He comes over to me and grabs my arms, pulling me up roughly. I wince in pain.

"I'm not scared of you Derek." I say bravely, even though on the inside, I am terrified. 

"You will be." he replies before picking me up and throws me over his shoulders. I try to escape, but his hold is to strong and he is already walking to what looks like the back of the warehouse.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask, still trying to squeeze my way out of his arms.

"Shut up and keep still!" Derek says in a warning tone. I instantly go still and keep quiet. 

Derek finally puts me down, but holds my arms tightly. We are stood outside a door, at the back of the warehouse. Derek bangs on the door and I stand there quietly, my brain spinning with scenarios.

The door swings open after a couple of seconds and stood there is Cam. My eyes widen in shock. He smirks when he looks at me.

"Hey Katie." he says smugly, stepping to side of the door for us to come in.

He probably let me get away on purpose, because he knew I would go to that stupid farm shed/house. 

I glare at him, as Derek drags me into the warehouse roughly. The warehouse is huge, and has endless doors along all four walls. I crinckle my nose at the smell as Cam leads us to one of the door on the other side of the warehouse.

"What the hell is that smell?" I ask, and look over at Derek. 

"I told you to stop talking didnt I?" he snaps. I roll my eyes.

We finally reach the door. Cam turns to face Derek and gives him a head signal to open the door. I look over at Derek as he turns the handle to the door. 

The room is pitch black, so I can not see a thing. Cam goes in a turns on the light. Derek drags me in and leads me towards a chair, which seems to be the only furniture in the small, bare room. He shoves me onto the chair and grabs a bundle of rope on the floor. My heart to beat faster when I realize what they are going to do. 

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