Chapter 6:

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Ok so this chapter may have been a bit rushed and short, so i am sorry if it is boring or got some mistakes. I just wanted to make sure that i had something up for you guys. So enjoy i guess.

IMPORTANT: Ok so i was wondering if anyone was interested in making me a new cover for this book. I want a new one but i am not very good at making them. So if you are interested, please inbox me :) 


-Crazy Chick


Since Lizzie has an important Cheer meet, I have to walk back to class alone. On my way to my first period, I try to think of how I was going to explain myself to Cam. I mean,  the whole situation is messed up, especially the part where Zac is acussing Cam to be a muderer. I pull out my phone to check if I have any messages. I dont. 

I quickly put my phone in my pocket when I finally reach my class. I quietly open the door in hopes to not get in trouble. This is probably wishful thinking, but its worth a shot.

Ms Hill is writing on the board. It doesnt seem like she heard me come in. Great! Now I just have sneak to my seat without getting caught.

“Miss Stone, where have you been?” Ms Hills asks, still writing on the board.

I stop in my tracks. Damn it! I swear this lady has eyes on the back of her head.

I turn around to face her. So much for sneaking in quietly.

“Well I..uh..had a doctors appointment.” I say lamely. A few people in my class were whispiring to eachother, betting on the different reasons why I am late. I mentally roll my eyes at them. Idiots. The lot of them.

“So where is your late note?” Ms. Hill asks me. I try to think of something to say.

“My late note?” I ask. I mentally slap myself. Did I seriously just ask that?!

It feels like the whole class is drilling a hole in the back of my neck.

“I don’t have time for your lies Miss Stone, I have a class to teach.”

“Its ok Ms Hill we don’t mind.” That annoying voice came from Zac. I turn around glare. He just smirks at me. Of course he would smirk, the ashole!

“I would appreciate if you kept your mouth shut Mr. Hansan.”

A few people in the class laughed. I did too. I instantly regret it when Ms Hill turns to me with an angry expression. I look down at my hands. I am a dead girl.

“Miss Stone you have landed yourself after school detention for a week. Now go take your seat.”

With that, she turns on her heels and walks back to the front of the class, leaving me standing there with the class whispering and quietly laughing at me. Detention for a week?! She has got to kidding me. I am only 10 minutes late for the class!

I angrily walk back towards my seat. As I am walking, someone’s foot comes in my path and trips me over, making me fall flat on my face. The class erupts in laughter and as I try to sit up, Zac is sitting their with an evil smirk on his face. I glare at him as I stand up.

“You fu-“ Ms Hill cuts me off before I can say any more.

“Enough!” Ms Hill yells at the class. The class instantly goes quiet.

Enough? Enough? Zac just bloody tripped me! Enough my ass!

“Miss Stone please go to your seat quietly” She demands me.

“But-“ I start to protest.

“Do you want to make that 2 weeks of detention?” She ask, angrily. When I do not say anything else, she turns around back to the board and continues with the lesson.

“That’s what I thought.” She says over her shoulder. I stand there for a minute before storming off towards my seat at the back.

As soon as I sit down, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I cautiously take it out and open the message. It is from Zac.

So have you changed your mind about giving me the car keys yet?

I roll my eyes and quickly type in my response.

No. Get Lost.

I get a reply a couple seconds after I send my response.

Come on. You know I always get my way ;)

I was about ready to throw something at him. Was he really going to start this whole thing again about him always getting his way?! I angrily type in my response while replaying the events of that night in my mind.

Don’t start asshole. You are not getting those keys and that it!

With that I hit send. I sigh and put my phone back into my pocket. It was only when I hear the door slam that I look to the front. Isabelle just stormed out of the class and Zac stands to go after her. I mentally laugh and take out my phone. I watch as Ms Hill leaves the class, no doubt going to get the Principle. As soon as she leaves the whole class starts chatting away, taking advantage of the teachers absence. I just look back down at my phone. As if on cue I get two texts. One from Lizzie and one from Zac. I open Lizzie’s first.

Hey I wont be able to catch up with you before lunch. Meeting Rick. I promise I will come to your house later Good luck with meeting Cam. Xoxo sorry again!

I smile to myself when I think about seeing Cam again.  My smile soon fades when I open the message from Zac.

We’ll see about that. 


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QUESTION: Fave scene of the book so far and why :) 

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