Chapter 24:

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Hope you guys enjoy this chapter :) Also I got the other day, so if you have any question then feel free to send them to me: 



 I feel someone nudging at my shoulder. I shrug them off, but again someone nudges at my shoulder. And not nicely either. 

My eyes slowly open and I find myself in the back of a cop car. For a second I am totally confused as to where I am, but then everything hits me, making me wide awake. 

The police officer who was trying to wake me up held the door open, trying to get me out the car. 

"Come on. Get out!" the offcer says. He looks to be in his mid 40's, bold and was quite tall. He had this permenant frown on his face, making him look very unfriendly and angry. 

I hop out the car and am instantly grabbed by the shoulders. I still had my hands cuffed, otherwise I would have turned around and punched the living daylights out of the idiot. Just because he is a police officer, it does not give him the right to push and shove me around! Well, it does, but its NOT ok with me!

I push away my angry thoughts and take in the familiar surroundings of the police station, as I am shoved towards the entrance. I have been here a couple of times, when my dad had to come and pay for his speeding tickets. The thought of my dad makes a lump form in my throat. I still cant believe that my dad is part of this whole thing. 

As soon as we enter the station, I come face to face with my mum. The officer lets go of my shoulders and my eyes widen in shock at the sight of my mum. She instantly runs over to me and pulls me into a tight hug.

How the hell did she escape from that warehouse? As angry as I still was with her, I let her hug me. I mean, well I was still hand cuffed so I couldnt really push her off me or even hug her back.

"You have 2 minutes." the officer said to my mum. 

"How did you get here?" I ask my mum, confused. She pulls away from me and wipes away her tears. 

"It's a long story, but I managed to escape the warehouse and by luck, a car pulled up to see if I was ok, as I was running away. That's how I was able to call the police. But that's not important right now. Right now its important that you get through this interview, so that you can be released."

I stand there and let what my mum had told me sink in.

"Times up." the officer says.

Before I have time to even say anything to my mum, the officer grabs my shoulders again and shoves me roughly towards the double doors that leads to all the interview rooms and has all the important filing offices. I crane my neck to look over at my mum and give her a look of worry. Does she know about Cam? Does she know what dad had planned to do?

"Everything is going to be ok!" she yells, before the double doors close and I am pushed down a wide hallway. 

"Where's Zac?" I ask the officer, feeling worried. The officer ignores my question and leads me to a interview room with no windows, except for that long mirror window that you see in the crime shows and a table and chair. 

"Wait here." the officer says before leaving the room, locking the door behind him. I turn my head away from the door and take look over at the "mirror". I have seen enough crime shows to know, that there are people on the other side of that "mirror" that are able to hear and see everything that goes on in this room. 

The silence makes the thoughts in my head sound so much louder and clearer and quite frankly, makes me want to rip the hair off of my head!

I slowly walk over to the  chair and sit down, still looking at the mirror window. I am taken aback by my appearance. I look horrible! Worse than horrible!

My hair is knoted and is sticking up in all directions and my eyes are red and puffy, shadowed by my zombie looking dark circles under my eyes..

I look away and look over at the door. How long are they going to be? I tap my foot impatiently and bite my lip as my mind races with the memories and questions about this whole situation.

What am I suppose to do when I get released? Will I get released? Where am I suppose to go? Will Zac be released? Where is Cam? Is he dead? Did he miraciously awaken and manged to get away? What will happen with my dad and derek? Can I ever trust my mum? Is Zac ok? Is Zac ok? Is Zac ok? 

I know this is stupid, but Zac is the main reason why I am really worried right now. I know I should be more worried about Cam, but I'm just not.

I rest my head on my arms, a mix of emotions (and the lack of food and water) making me feel very irritated and light headed. 

I hear the door start to unlock and I instantly look up. The door opens, revealing a proffesional, middle aged looking man and the same officer that I brought me here. 

"Hello Katie." the proffesional man says, as he walks over and sits across from me at the table. The police officer, stands by the door and looks over in the distance. 

"My name is Director Thomas Page." he says, showing me an F.B.I badge. I give him a small smile in greeting.

"How long will this take?" I ask him impatiently. I really need to talk to Zac. 

"Well if you cooperate with us, it will be quick. Does that answer your question?"

I nod in response and slowly take in a deep breath. 

"So Katie, could you please start by telling how you got to the Warehouse?"

I close my eyes and remeber everything that has happend. I open my eyes and look at the Director, who is eyeing me, waiting for my repsonse.

"I was kidnapped from the back of my school." I say, the memories of that day making a lump form in my throat. 

The Director nods his head and starts to write something in his notepad.

"What were you doing at the back of the school?" he asks me. I shake my head remembering how excited I felt for seeing Cam. 

"I was meeting a guy." I say, looking down at my hands. 

"Did this "guy" help you when you were getting kidnapped?" he asks me, looking skeptical. The memories of that day was loud and I felt very dizzy. 

"Uh no....he was part of it." I answer, still looking down at my hands.

"Was part of it?" 

I look up the Director and I try to stop the memories from replaying in my head, making me feel very irriatitaed. 

Uhh...some stuff happend..." I choke out, everything around me starting to double. 

I can faintly hear the sound of the Director asking me another question, but his voice sounds distant. I rub my temples and close my eyes, trying to get my vision to go back to normal. Before I know it, everything is black.




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