Chapter 37

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Ally P.O.V

We were all freaking out when we heard Krystal's head was cracked open.
Demi, Cassidy, Lauren and Alaina looked like they wanted to rip Ryan's head off. Normani and I had to hold them back as much as we hated Ryan we knew violence isn't the answer.
When Ryan made his final remark to Demi he was swept off to the police station. Krystal was also put into an ambulance and rushed to the hospital. We all ran out of the venue and to the car. We sped all the way to the hospital. This was not the way Krystal's 16th birthday was suppose to go. It took all the fibers in my body not to break down crying. Everyone but Lauren and I were crying. I pray to God that Lauren wont go back to the way she was when Krys was in a coma. I'm starting to worry about Lauren again. She started wearing long sleeves everyday...maybe she's just cold and I'm over reacting. Thats probably it. To lighten the mood I decided to ask.

A-Lauren why are you wearing long sleeves everyday?

Her eyes went wide.

L-I'm just cold. That's all.

AL-Gurl it's like 78 degrees it's not cold.

L-W-well everyone is different.

Camila's P.O.V.

Lauren is totally lying. I will figure this out. Her stuttering doesn't help either.

Normani's P.O.V

When we got to the hospital there were multiple cop cars there. I wonder what's that's about...but that's non of our business. Ally hurried up and parked and we ran into the hospital. I was the first one to the nurses desk.

N-Were is Krystal Lovato?
Nurse-As we speak she is getting stitches.

I just now noticed the cops standing next to the nurses desk. ok then?

*no ones P.O.V*

Nurse-Are any of you by chance Dinah-Jane or Lauren Jauregui?

DJ-Yeah us.

Dinah pointed at Lauren and her.

L-Why though?

The nurse got the attention of the police and pointed at Dinah and Lauren.

The police nodded at the nurse. The police walked up to Lauren and Dinah.

Police-Your are under arrest.

Demi-Wait what the hell. Why?

Police-This doesn't involve you. Stay out of it.

Demi-Yes it kinda does seeing how one of them is under the age of 18 and I'm the legal guardian right now. So excuse me officer but it does involve me. So please tell me what the f**k is going on?

Police- Dinah-Jane is under arrest for assaulting Ryan Dose and Lauren is under arrest for assaulting Ryan Dose and endangering a minor.

Camila-What?! They were protecting our "sister" that he beat the crap out of and cracked her skull open.

Police-We know ma'am. We don't support or agree with the charges at all but by Law we have to arrest them and send them to trial. His parents pressed charges so we don't have a say in it. I'm sorry guys. So please place your hands behind your back.

They both obeyed not wanting more trouble.

Officer- I feel like we should introduce ourselves. I'm Officer Tyler and that's Officer Dan. Feel free to contact us if you have an questions about the trial.

Officer Dan put the handcuffs on Dinah while officer Tyler put the handcuffs on Lauren.

Tyler- Lauren I'm gonna need you to roll up your sleeves. The handcuffs will be too loose with then rolled down.

Lauren looked up at him in fear and shook her head.

Tyler-Ma'am please.

Lauren shook her head again.

Tyler-Ma'am please. If you don't I'm gonna have to charge you with resisting arrest.

Lauren sighed in defeat. She rolled up her sleeves and all of her new fresh cuts and scars showed.

Officer Tyler's eyes went wide along with everyone else's around us.

Tyler-I'm so sorry ma'am.

Lauren just nodded looking at the ground.

All of the girls wanted to hug her but didn't want to get in trouble by the police.

Officer Tyler handcuffed her and the 2 officers took Lauren and Dinah out of the hospital. Little did they know that almost everyone at Krys birthday party tweeted to Krys telling her to get better. When Lauren and Dinah went outside there was a mob of paps. Officer Tyler was trying to get Lauren to the car safely but also without the paps seeing her self harm scars and new cuts. Little did he know he wasn't covering the arm with the most cut and scars
. The picture was sent everywhere. Along with photos of Lauren and Dinah being arrested.

Normani's P.O.V.

N-Guys what the hell just happened.

Everyone was speechless. All at once Demi's, and us 5H girls phones started erupting with texts and Twitter notifications. Even Lauren and Dinah's since they left their phones with us.

We gave Cassidy and Alaina, Lauren and Dinahs phones and told them to text back everyone who texted them "We will explain later." And nothing els. All of the sudden I got a Twitter notification of an Article titled "Lauren Jauregui from Fifth Harmony self harms? Lauren and Dinah from Fifth Harmony under arrest?? What?! Read to find out more!" I clicked on it and read the whole article. It's full of a bunch of lies.

N-Guys. We are in some serious trouble.


N-Read this article.

They all read it and they were all beyond pi$$ed. But Demi looked like she was about to cry.

I went and hugged her.
N-Hey Demz it's ok.

Demi-It said I was the cause of Lauren's self harming. That I influenced her to do so.

N-Hey now we all know that's not true. Everyone breaks at some point. Nobody can stay strong forever. Lauren just had a setback but you for sure didn't cause it. Non of us did.

Demi-Thanks Normani.

N-Your welcome.

I went on Twitter and saw a lot of the trends were about us. Like;


And many others

Our fans were going crazy and we still have no news on Krystal.

Omg. Krystal.



N-What are we going to tell Krystal?!

AL-She's gonna freak out.

Demi-No one let her see Twitter or anything. We don't need her thinking it's her fault.

Camila-We need to focus on Krys getting out of this place then work on getting 2/5 of Fifth Harmony a good lawyer for trial. And this trial needs to be over before we leave to go back to Missouri for Cassidy's Parents funeral next week. Plus we need to talk with Simon. Everyone ready for one hell of a roller coaster?


Normani- I don't even know.

Demi-Lets do it.


Cassidy-We are strong and promised to stick together as family and that's just what we are doing. it sure as hell won't be an easy ride. But we will we always do. We are strong and we are family.


Plot twist.

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