Chapter 35

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Lauren's P.O.V.

Today's Krystal's birthday party!!
There are so many people coming like;
Bea Miller
Ed Sheeran
LA Reid
The Vamps
And a couple of her favorite bands like;
Black Veil Brides
We The Kings
And many more

She doesn't know about the bands coming but she does know about some of the others. We didn't do so well at keeping it a surprise.....whoops.

Her party is at 7 tonight....and its 11:28 am. That lil girl better be awake.

I ran to her room and she wasn't awake so I charged at her bed yelling "WAKE UP SLEEPING BEAUTY!! ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY!!"

I jumped on her bed and landed on top of her. She rolled over with the biggest smile on her face.

She jumped out of her bed and screamed;

Everyone els ran into the room with a worried look.

Demi- why are you guys screaming!

K-MOM IM 16!!

Demi-Guurrlll dont remind me!! Ugh I'm so old!!

K-Gurl your barely a day over 30

Demis faced dropped and had a "wtf" look on her face. We all were dying.
We had our laughing fit for a good 10 minuets then went down stairs to eat some breakfast.


K-I don't know.

Dinah looked at her and shook her head and took off running to God knows where.

K-What the heck was that?

Normani-Only God would know

We all started laughing.

Camz-lets go figure out what that lil munchkin is up to.

We raced up to find Dinah in my room with my clothes everywhere.

K-what the hell...I mean heck happened in here?

Dem-Gurl you can cuss, I'm not gonna be mad if you cuss, hell Gurl I was cussin like a sailor at your age.

K-I'll only say hell. It's not technically a curse word its a place. I don't really like using the other ones, I get a guilty feeling when I use them. But, sometimes they slip out.

N-aww look out lil baby isn't as grown up as we thought. It's adorable.

K-GURRLLIE HOLD UP. I ain't no baby.

L- but your our baby girl

AL- and my baby sis

C- WELL GURL U IS OLDER THAN ME SOOO I'll call you my turtle, cause Gurl you is slow and a blonde.

We all were on the ground laughing at Cassidy's out burst.

K-That gives me an idea can I dye my hair before the party?

Dem- sure, Lauren and Dinah can take you while the rest of us finish up the last details for da party.


Dinah, Krys and I got ready to leave but Dinah had to pick Krys outfit cause Krys couldn't decide.

Dinah chose black skinny jeans and a Nirvana shirt with her yellow converse. Krys was in all black except for her shoes. It looked sick!

We went to the near by hair place and Krys dyed her hair black with pastel blue tips.

K-I ain't blonde no more.

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