Chapter 36

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Krystal's P.O.V.

Simon-"Krystal. You are officially signed to SYCO records."

K-Og my gosh are you serious!!


I looked over at my family and new found friends and started crying of happiness. Demi came and hugged me and I clung to her sobbing.

Demi-I'm so proud of you.
K-I love you, Demi.
Demi-I love you to Krys.

Everyone awed us and joined the group hug. After the hug was released Black Veil Brides approached me. To say I wasn't intimidated, was a lie....I was flat out terrified. I don't even know why.

Andy-GURRL that was so powerful. You had us crying.
K-Awe I'm sorry I didn't mean to.
Jinxx-Don't apologized, it was amazing.
Jake-Hell yeah it was, and congrats on being officially signed.
K-Yeah oh my gosh thank you. I love your guises music. Can't wait for tour dates here in LA. I will most definitely be there.
Ashley-Well you seem like a chill girl. Here's our numbers, anytime you wanna come to a show text us and you can watch side stage or something.
K-I totally will, thanks.
CC-Gurl your hair tho.
K-haha yours is better.
CC-Nah Gurl yours is cool af.
Andy-Ya it is. but hey it's getting late and we have to get on the road to the next stop on the tour. We better hear from you soon tho.
K-Yeah text me if you're ever in the LA area your welcome anytime.
Ashley-We will definitely text you. bye Krystal.
K-Bye guys.

We all hugged and they left to head back on tour.

I saw Charles Trippy vlogging with Demi. I walked over to them but snuck up behind Demi. Charles saw me and smiled but didn't say anything. I jumped on Demi's back and she screamed.

Demi-omfg u scared the hell out of me.
K-Sorry not sorry mom.
Charles-Omg you guys are so cute.
K-Thanks Charles, you and Allie aren't bad yourselves.
Charles-Yeah but your guises is a mother daughter cuteness. It's so lovable to see. I'm so glad you got adopted Krystal.

Charles by now shut off the camera.

I loved his personality and how he cares about people. I couldn't form words to reply back to him, so I hugged him. I felt a tear slip out of my eye. I think Charles noticed because he released from he hug and made me look up at him.

Charles-Hey hey don't cry. I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry.

I saw Allie standing next to Demi with her vlog camera but I didn't care.

K-No I'm sorry I get emotional easily. I mean I've looked up to you since I saw you in Shays vlog. So meeting you now is just amazing.

Charles-Krys. No need to be sorry. How about we exchange numbers and whenever you In Florida on tour or whenever we can hang out.

K-Yeah of course.

We exchanged numbers and then went and danced on the dance floor. Everyone was dancing on the dance floor, but I was exhausted so u went and sat down by the bar. I was having a lovely conversation with Matt who was the bartender, who was surprisingly only 18. I felt hands on my sides. I turned around expecting to see Demi or someone. Oh how I was wrong. It was Ryan.

He pulled me into a forceful hug and whispered "I told you I would come here. You didn't believe me did you."

The way he hugged me was to were I back was towards the dance floor but my face was towards Matt. I got Matts attention and signaled for him to go get my family and fast. Matt left to try and find them so I was left in the corner with Ryan.

R-I f**king told you I would find you.

Ryan pushed me down to the ground making me slam my head against the wall. I couldn't cry out in pain, it would only increase his anger even more. I felt the back of my head and there was blood everywhere. He took that was an opportunity to kick me in my ribs. I hope Matt finds them soon.

Dinah's P.O.V.

We were all dancing around acting crazy till this boy who looked about 18 came up to us in a rush. He started talking so fast that we couldn't understand anything he said.

DJ-Dawg slow down.

Matt- I'm Matt. I was just talking to Krystal and some dude came up behind her and he dragged her into a forceful hug and threatened her in a whisper and she looked scared and signaled for me to come get you guys. She in the back corner by the bar with him now.

I said one thing through my gritted teeth..."Ryan."

I took off running to the back corner. I was running into people but I didn't care. I ran into one dude who was filming and told him to follow so we had proof of Ryan did anything.
Once I saw Ryan kicking Krystal repeatedly...I sprinted up behind him and tapped his shoulder. he turned around confused and I straight punched him in the face...and it f**king hurt.

DJ-What the hell did I say last time you were freaking here? Not to f**king touch her, go near her or talk about her!! Do you have an f**king knowledge in your empty f**king brain! Someone call 911. NOW!

I was beyond pissed. Two dudes...I think their names were Travis and Danny, came and held Ryan against the wall till the police got here. You could tell everyone here, even if they just meet Krys today, wanted to rip Ryan's head off. Normani and Ally had to hold back Demi, Lauren, Alaina and Cassidy. Lauren got loose and started walking...well more like stomping towards Ryan. She punched him once in the face. Before Hayley came and got a hold of her and dragged her back. she was yelling at Ryan. People try and calmed her down while I looked at Krys. The guy with the camera was still recording. He was Charles Trippy, I think. He had Krys head in his lap trying to keep her conscious. And His camera in the on the floor. Who knows if it was still going.

DJ-Krys don't worry. Help is on the way and he will never hurt you again. just stay awake Krys.

She was slowly slipping away.

I lifted up her head to see if she had an injurys on her head keeping her from staying awake. I didn't even have to check her head. I saw Charles Pants and Shirt that had blood all over them.

DJ- Oh my god.

I softly placed her head back on his lap and walked over to everyone els.

DJ-Her head.

Demi-Her head? Dinah. What happens to her head.

DJ-It's cracked open and she's loosing a lot of blood.

Just then the paramedics rushed in and took Krys and the Police placed Ryan under arrest for assault. Demi said she wanted to press charges and restraining orders for everyone against him.

The police agreed and hand cuffed Ryan and told him his right.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law."

Ryan-I'll be back for her Demi. You can't keep me away.

Demi's jaw clenched and the police didn't even finish reading his rights they just dragged him away.


I'm sorry I didn't update last week.
I don't really have an excuse. I mean I was in Kentucky so I wasn't home but any excuse is a bad excuse so I'm sorry guys. I hoped ya liked this chapter and I hope Ya have good week.

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