Chapter 8 "Threat"

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Demi's P.O.V

When I woke up in the morning I was confused as to why I was in the floor. The memories of what happened last night came rushing back to me.I snuck over to Krystal and took her hotel key and snuck to her hotel room and collected her and Cassidy's things while Brad was still asleep and I used their phone and said they were checking out at 10 a.m and to charge their bill to my room. When I got back to the room everyone was ready to go out to breakfast so I had to hurry up and get ready. When I was ready we all left my hotel room and started walking down the hall. I told Krystal and Cassidy that they are rooming with me now.We went to the restaurant down stairs and then went back up to my room to have a movie marathon day.

Krystal's P.O.V

After we ate breakfast we went back to Demi's room. We were walking past my old room now that I am rooming with Demi. I was walking slower than everyone cause I was still tired. The door to now Brad's hotel room flung open and he flung himself at me and pinned me against the wall but the girls didn't notice. Brad covered my mouth and said,

B-"Why did you move out babe, were you to scared of what we were gonna do tonight. Does this help." He started to move one of his hands down my side and then up my shirt. He took his hand off my mouth to try and get in my pants and I screamed, "GET OFF OF ME BRAD!!!" I started crying while he felt me up some more covering my mouth again and the girls looked back and Camila was the first to react surprisingly she ran over to me and pushed Brad off of me while saying, "Get the f**k off of her what is wrong with you!!!"Dinah was the next one over to me and she punched Brad in the gut and he fell to the ground on the other side of the hallway. I just sunk to the floor feeling violated. Lauren, Camila, Normani,Dinah,Ally,Cassidy,Demi and Payton were surrounding me now.I didn't bother to look up I just brought my knees up to me chest and my head in my hands crying. I didn't feel like moving.

Camila's P.O.V

I feel really bad for Krystal she was just violated by her ex boyfriend after she found out by her best friend that he cheated on her a month ago with the girl that is bullying her and causing her to cut and self harm. I noticed Brad getting up and walking over so I clenched my fist and when he was close enough I got up very quickly and hit him with my fist in the jaw so hard. He fell to the ground but recovered quick and stood up and said,

B-"You B***h!"


B-"A B***h you Whore!"

Camila-"Aww.... H**L NAH." I swung at him but he grabbed me by the arm and pinned me against the wall next and started to feel me up as well. I didn't expect what happened next. Krystal shot up so fast that the other girls didn't even have time to react to what Brad was doing. Krystal shot up so fast she literally tackled Brad off of me and she punched him in the face and stood back up and said, "Ever try that again on any girl that I know you'll f**king regret it for the rest of your d**n life! Oh yeah and this fake relationship is done!" With that Krystal kicked him in the balls and started walking back to Demi's hotel room. I stood there shocked at what he just did to both me and Krystal and what she said/did defending me. I looked at the girls and they are in shock. All of us look at each other. We all start walking back to Demi's hotel room.

Demi's P.O.V

I stopped to talk to Brad for a second before going back to my hotel room.

D-"If you think you can just use us girls like that and think we wont do anything you so f**king wrong about that you see what just happened here you just got beat up by girls and I swear I am getting a restraining order against you for me and for all of the girls. I swear if you ever try to touch one of them or even look or talk to them I swear I will have you put in jail."

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