Chapter 23 "Big Hug"

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Krystal's P.O.V

While we were on our way to the skatepark I was texting Ryan. We were talking and getting to know each other more. It turns out that he's at the skatepark right now. I told him that I'm on my way with my family and Amber. he said that as soon as I get there that I'm going to receive the biggest hug. I have to admit i'm a little excited about seeing him again....but I still can't trust guys.

DJ- Why so smiley, Krystal?

I dropped my phone to the side embarrassed.

K- Nothing! umm.. I mean... I'm not why?

Alaina gently took my phone out of my hand...and don't ask me how but she knew my passcode. She looked at who I was texting and had the biggest smile on her face! Oh no!

AL- Shes texting Ryan.

L-Ooohh who's this Ryan boy?

K- You'll see at the skatepark.

*10 minuets later*

We finally arrived at the skatepark. I see Ryan fall on his me being me I slow clap and walk over to him.

K-Great job.

R- I know right.

I stuck out my hand to help him and he took my hand but pulled me down on the ground with him....let's just say I let out a very girly scream.

All I heard was my family laughing at me. I felt my cheeks burn red so I hid my face in his arm. After they got done laughing he go up and helped me up. As soon as I got up he kept his word and gave me a big hug.

Ryan and I walked back to my big family and Alaina.

Ryan, Alaina and I started doing a bunch of tricks. We did that for a whole then I went down the Death ramp again. After we did that we went home. We taught every single one of my family member how to do an oli.

We all went back to Demi's house. I think i'm gonna ask Demi if I can get a tattoo.

K- Hey Mom?

Oh my gosh! that totally slipped out!!

I hope she doesn't hate me for calling her mom!

Demi's P.O.V

I heard Krystal say,

K-Hey Mom?


D-Yeah baby girl?

K- Would it be ok if I got a tattoo?

D-Umm, yeah I don't see why not. What do you want to get?

K- I was get a quote that says, " Your flaws don't define you" right where you have your faith tattoo.

D-That's gonna be so cute! when do you wanna get it?

K- How about today, like in 20 mins. I need to change.


I went up and hugged her


DL- I love you baby girl.

K-I love you to mom.

When I pulled away she kissed me on the cheek and went up to her room with Alaina. As soon as she was out of sight I started jumping up and down!


All of the 5H girls were awing. I was so happy!

Alaina's P.O.V

She just called Demi 'mom' for the first time. I don't know why but I'm so protective over Krystal. Shes like my little sister.

We walked up to her room and she started pacing back and forth.

AL- Hey gurl, calm down...what wrong.

K- I just called her mom. What if she hates me. What if she takes me to an orphanage and leaves me there.

AL- Krystal. Shes not going to take you there. I wouldn't let her. She loves you to much. Fifth Harmony loves you to much. Maddie and Bea love you to much. It wouldn't happen.

K- Thanks Alaina.

AL-Welcome sis.

K- sis?

AL-Yeah, ever though i've only known you 2 days. you like my little sister... and I won't let anything happen to you.

K-Thanks sis. You like my big sister but I didn't wanna say anything and then you be freaked out by me.

AL-Alright get changed so you can go get that tattoo.


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