Chapter 32 "The End?"

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Lauren's P.O.V

When we heard her heart beat go flat lined we all just stopped. It stayed like that for 5 minuets and it was official Krystal had passed away. We all broke down crying. This is one of the hardest things I've ever had to go through in my life.

L-Guys. I think it's time to go.

They all nodded and went and said their last goodbyes to Krys. I guess instead of planing her birthday party we have to plan her funeral. We all went out and went one by one, oldest to youngest, going in and saying our last goodbyes.

Demi's Goodbye- " I'm gonna miss you so much. You weren't my daughter for a very long. But you were the best daughter I could ever ask for. You were so strong and we all break at some point and you broke sooner than we all thought. I will tell my future kids about you. They will know about you. They will remember you. They will know how strong you were. I can't believe I have to say goodbye to you already. But I love you and will miss you always. Goodbye Krystal."

After Demi went Ally. Then Normani. Then Lauren.

Lauren's Goodbye- "Um Krys. I tried to stay strong for everyone. I did till today. I'm so sorry I cried. I couldn't help it and I couldn't stay strong any longer. I relapsed multiple times since you've been in the hospital. I couldn't deal with it. I would cry every night after we got home from and the girls would never hear me. I never wanted them to. I was always the strong one for them and I knew I had to be. I even wrote a song for you and I think it's time for you to finally hear it.

"I fought for you
The hardest, it made me the strongest
So tell me your secrets
I just can't stand to see you leaving

But heaven couldn't wait for you
No heaven couldn't wait for you
Heaven couldn't wait for you
No heaven couldn't wait for you
So go on, go home

We laughed at the darkness
So scared that we lost it
We stood on the ceilings
You showed me love was all you needed

But heaven couldn't wait for you
No heaven couldn't wait for you
Heaven couldn't wait for you
No heaven couldn't wait for you
So go on, go home

But heaven couldn't wait for you
No heaven couldn't wait for you
Heaven couldn't wait for you
No heaven couldn't wait for you
So go on, go home

So go on, go home"

I love you Krys and I can't believe this is it. I'll always remember you. GoodBye Krys."

Next was Camila. Then Dinah.

Dinah's goodbye- "Gurl you can't leave me. you just cant. We all need you. Your the one person I felt like I could go to with my panic attacks (if you dont know whats thats from. Its from chapter 17 part 2). After I told you guys about my panic attacks they stopped coming so frequently. But now that you've been in the hospital they happen almost every night and the girls are starting to notice. The only ones who know about them are you, Maddie, Lauren and Camila. I can't handle telling them. I know you will be looking over all of us. But I don't want you to look over us. I want you here so we can look at your face and see you smile everyday.We all have broke completely. Demi, Ally and Normani have been the only sane ones. The rest of us have been off the hook. I've had my panic attacks. Mila almost relapsed. Lauren cries every night...but I'm the only one that heard it. Cassidy locks herself in her room. and Alaina...Well she punched Ryan and has not been so good. Krys. We need you. I will always miss you. Goodbye Krys.

Next was Alaina

Alaina's Goodbye- I know we've only known eachother for about 1 month and 2 weeks and you've been in a coma for a month of it. But you being in a coma and now slipping away from us doesn't mean I'm gonna run away from our friendship. I punched Ryan though. I went skating to clear my mind and he was there and purposely got in my way when I was trying to do a 50-50 and started talking bad about you. so I cracked and I punched him. I couldn't help it. I'm so sorry this had to happen to you. You don't deserve this. You deserve to be happy with Demi and the girls of 5H. Not to be slowly slipping away from us. I'm so sorry Krys. I guess this is goodbye. I'll tell my children about this wonderful girl that ran into me when I was 16 and we were friends since. My kids will know about you so your legacy will live on. Goodbye Krys.

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