Chapter 20 "LA and New Friend?"

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Krystal's P.O.V

Dinah drove from Phenix to L.A. and that was scary. We had a dance party the whole way. Plus, Demi said while we are in LA I can take my drivers test because my birthday is in 1 week! Its

October 1st and my birthday is October 8th. I might ask Demi if I can get a small tattoo. Anyway when we got to Demi's house 5H went to their house, which is amazingly right across the road from Demi's, and went to sleep. Demi showed me to my room and said that I can do whatever I want to it. hehehe this is perfect...I can create the room i've always wanted. My room is huge the second Master Bedroom in Demi's house. Tomorrow i'm going shopping with Dinah, so I went to bed.

*Next Morning*

I got up and went on a peaceful jog around the neighborhood, just listening to the birds chirp. When I got back home I took a shower and dried my hair and out makeup on. I put on my black skinny jeans and my Blink-182 shirt. I also put on my bright orange Vans. I grabbed my Skateboard that I designed that had a Buddha quote on it, that was just for cruising around on. I walked to the kitchen and left a note for Demi saying I went to get Starbucks. I grabbed my book and put it in my bag along with my keys,wallet and phone. As I walked out the door I saw Dinah walking out with a Penny board.

K-What you doin' Dinah?

Dinah- Going to for a little ride, Wbu?


Dinah- ok, have fun and be safe.

K-I will and you to.

Dinah- when you get back we will go shopping.

K-Ok, I wont be that long.

With that said I ran and jumped on my board and I was off.

When I got go Starbucks I ordered my drink and backed up a little and ran into someone.

K-Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry.

?-Its cool. I'm Alaina, whats your name?

K-Nice to meet you Alaina.I'm Krystal.

A- You to Krystal. Nice shirt.

I look down at my shirt then hers and realize we have the same shirt on.

K- *laughing* thanks,you to.

A- Do you maybe wanna hang out sometime? Maybe go skating?

K- Yeah, I'd love to.

A- Here's my number, I'll text you later. we can go hang out at the local skatepark.

K- Yeah that would be great.

A-Text me your address and I'll meet you there and we can go from there.

K-Ok I'll see you then. Bye Alaina.

A-Bye Krystal.

I got my drink and skated back to Demi's house.

I walked into Demi's house and everyone was there. When I say everyone I mean, 5H, Maddie, Bea Miller and if course Demi. It got silent as I walked in, AND OF COURSE MY PHONE GOES OFF. oh my gosh...Awkward.


DL- who just texted you?

K- A girl I meet at starbucks. We are going skating later.

DL- Ok but take your phone.

DJ-Ready to go shopping? If you want Maddie and Bea can come.

K-Sure I'd love to get to know Bea.

The 4 of us left to go to the mall.

We went to a music store and I got some guitar stands, some more picks, new music, some reeds for my clarinet, new strings for my guitar and some blank sheets of music for writing.

Next we went to a skateboard shop. All 4 of us got new penny boards and skateboards.

I got a Ying-Yang skateboard and a bright orange penny board.

Dinah go a Solid blue Skateboard that says "Blue Dinah" in white letters and a bright pink penny board.

Maddie got a skull skateboard and a bright yellow penny board.

Bea got a black and white checkered pattern skateboard and a bright lime green penny board.

When we got home I went and Painted my room and then put my quotes on the wall and my big ying-yang that I got created. Then I put my skateboards on the wall and my guitars. Then I put my clothes and shoes away in color order. You get the point. I put everything away on my room while blaring music. Everyone eventually came into my room and started one hugs dance party.

I hocked up my electric guitar to its amp and started playing along to the song that was playing. It was so fun. We were all laughing at each others dance moves.

And in that exact moment....

I felt whole.

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