Chapter 22 "Hanging out under the stars"

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Krystal's P.O.V

They started treating me like a little kid asking if I had fun and all of that stuff.

After that we all went into the living room an they introduced each other. Then the girls had to go back to their house, Maddie and Bea went to Mads room to go to talk, tv and most likely sleep and Demi went to bed. So it was just Alaina and I.

K-Wanna go outside and look at the stars?

A- Yeah. I love doing that and just talking about anything and everything.

K- I'd love to start doing it. I've never really had the chance to hang out with friends unless I went like and hour away from my old house.

A- This can be our thing. We can do this all the time.

K- Yeah, this is gonna be awesome.

We walked outside and we went to the middle of the yard where there is just an open spot of grass, big enough to throw a ball back and forth at a good distance. We laid down. Alaina was on my right side.

We fell into this comfortable silence, just looking up at the sky thinking.

A- If you don't mind me asking. What exactly happened with your real family.

K-Umm... I don't mind. Just promise not to think of me differently.

A- I promise I wont think of you differently.

K- Long story short.My real name is, Krystal Rose. My real parents were the owners of apple. [NOT TRUE] They abused me. I was bullied at school verbally and physically. I suffer from anxiety, depression and self mutilation. I'm overcoming self-mutilation. I'm no longer depressed. But, my anxiety is still there. That's kinda why I left the group tonight. I felt an anxiety attack coming.

A- Krystal, I would never think of you differently for things you mostly didn't and don't have control over. If anything it makes me even more proud to know you. There is one thing you have to promise me though.

K- Ok, what is it?

A-If you EVER need me. Call me, text me, FaceTime me. I don't care if you come to my house. I live in the same side of the road as you 4 houses down. I don't care what time it is. Please come to me if you need me or help with something or through something.

K- I'll promise you that, if you promise me the exact same thing.


We both looked at each other and said "I promise" at the same time. we started laughing at ourselves. We just continued talking till mid-night then decided to go to my room, into the warm air.

As soon as Alaina walked into my room...her mouth dropped open. Her expression was so priceless that I fell on the ground laughing so hard. We just talked about what music and books we like. We have a lot of stuff in common. But, not as much stuff as Cassidy and I...but still its close. We talked till we passed out at 3 am on the floor.

*Next Morning*

I jumped awake at the feeling of multiple bodies on top of me. I even screamed a little. I heard 9 different laughs...and they all sounded like dying seals. I burst end out laughing at the thought. They all looked at me with confused faces.....which made me laugh even more.

I saw Dinah and Lauren look at each other with this evil grin. I stopped laughing immediately.. I knew what they were going to do. They got up and started walking towards me so I did what I do best.... RUN.

I jumped over my bed an out my door yelling " You will never catch me!"

What's bad is Lauren played softball so she can run. Crap! I heard everyone laugh....even Alaina. They caught up to me and started tickling me. I was laughing so hard that I almost peed myself. By now everyone was in the room just laughing at me. I was so embarrassed. They stopped tickling me so I got up and left the room.

Alaina P.O.V

This 'family' is so crazy, you can blatantly see how much they love each other. After Krystal, but I prefer to call her Kate...its different, got tickled she left the room. I stood there, awkwardly.

( DJ-Dinah-Jane, A-Ally, AL-Alaina, DL-Demi,M-Maddie, K-Krystal, B-Bea, N-Normani, C-Camila.)

DJ-So your Alaina?


A-How old are you?

AL- 16.

L- play any sports?

AL-softball and basketball.

L-I play softball to.

AL- Awesome!

DL- Have you ever broken the law?

K- Guys what the Heck. Why are you interrogating her?

C- She has to be safe for you to be around.

K- She is safe to be around.

N-How do you know that?

K-Because shes the one who got be home on time. She watched that time so I didn't end up home late. Shes the one who didn't want me to go down the death ramp at the skatepark... but I did anyway.

M- Why the heck would you go down a ramp named Death Ramp anyway.

K- It's fun.

B- Your crazy....but in a way I want to see that.

They all nodded their heads in agreement...well besides Alainas he already saw me skate down it.

K- Well if you guys want we can go there now if you want and Alaina and I can show you some tricks.

DL- Let's do it. I know everyone here at least has a penny board, so grab that and we can just ride down there. But, let's at least get dressed first, so we don't look like hobos.

They all went to get there penny boards and get dressed. Maddie, Bea and Dinah grabbed their new skateboards.

Amber and I went up to my room and I opened my closet and couldn't find anything to wear. I walk out and did her already changed. I guess she brought extra clothes last night incase she got sweaty or dirty at the skatepark.

K-Can you help me find an outfit?


She went into my closet and picked out: black skinny jeans and a bright neon green shirt that had the vans logo on it. She also picked out the matching neon green vans.

She was wearing:white skinny jeans and a bright orange shirt that says vans and the matching vans to go with it.

We were pretty much wearing the same was funny. I did my hair and out my contacts in while Alaina did her hair.

I picked up my skateboard that I used last night and my backpack and Alaina did the same. I held the door open for Alaina and we made our way down the stairs to meet everyone els.

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