Chapter 30 "Is this it?"

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Alaina's P.O.V

I'm so mad at Ryan! I could punch someone...but dats a no no.

I run up and follow Krys but she already locked herself in her bathroom.

AL- hey Krys?

I get no response I just hear smashing.
The girls are here by now.

AL- why are you just standing there! Do something!

Dinah is the first to react and she tries to kick down the door but it doesn't work.

Krystal's P.O.V

I want to die. Is it really worth it to leave everyone I love? They don't need they?

I can't find my blade so I just smash my fist into the mirror. I can hear Alaina and Cassidy yelling at them to do something. Someone tries to knock the door down. They can't get in that easy. I made sure of that. My fist is bloody and there is glass sticking out of my hand. blood is just running down my arm but I just don't care anymore. I take the bottle of my antidepressants. I open the bottle and dump them into my hand. I hear then trying to talk to me but I just ignore them. I swallowed about 15 of the pills. To make it go by faster I took a piece of the broken glass and cut my wrist multiple times. it's over.

I feel my world start to turn black....and then there is nothing.

Lauren's P.O.V

We haven't heard anything anymore and we are all freaking out. Demi called the police and an ambulance. Dinah and Alaina have been trying to get the door unlocked or knocked down just anything.

I grabbed a softball bat that Krys had in her room.

L-Guys back up.

They did as I told them to. I took the bat to the door and it put a dent.

AL- here Lauren let me try.

I handed the bat to Alaina and d**m does she have a swing. She put a massive hole in the door. She reached through and unblocked the door.

She was the first one to walk in and she just dropped to her knees. we all saw what she saw. A limp Krys on the floor.

The paramedics rushed in and picked her up and rushed her out.

We followed in 2 separate cars.

Ally and I were the only ones suitable to drive.

Dinah was trying to stay strong but she had tears rushing down her face. She was staring off into space obviously thinking hard about something.

Alaina had lost it. I had to carry her to the car.

Cassidy was the same as Alaina but Ally had to carry her.

Normani, Demi and Camila were all the same. they were all balling their eyes out.

Ally and I wanted to cry but we knew we couldn't. We had to stay strong.

We both drove to the hospital just worried about our Krys.

When we got there. Krys was already in surgery. We had to wait in the waiting room for 5 hours before we heard anything. those 5 hours were probably the worse of our life's. We all just stayed huddled in groups. Dinah and Camila were huddle. Dinah had stopped crying but now was spacing out every so often but hugging Camila trying to get to to calm down and breath. Camz had been balling her eyes out for about 5 and a half hours now. Normani and Ally were together they were both crying silently. Then there was Demi, Cass and Alaina. All of them were crying but Alaina seems to be the most calm one out of those 3. I'm just sitting by myself....i don't want comfort from anyone. I don't want to cry. I'm the strong one and I'm gonna stay that way till I'm not with anyone.

It's now been 7 hours of the same white walls. the doctor walks in with a confused face and says:

Doc- Krystal Lovato?

All- that's us.

We all stand up and go stand in front of him.

Doc-Well we were successful in the surgery. but she is in a coma and should wake up in the next 2 weeks.
You may go see her now.

Demi-Thanks doctor?

Doc- Doctor Smith.

Demi- Thanks Mr.Smith.

....2 weeks without Krystal....

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