Chapter 13 "Sight Seeing"

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Krystal's P.O.V

*2 days later*

8:00 a.m.

I'm the first one up or at least in the hotel room I share with Cassidy and Demi. I just layed in bed and thought about things like how tomorrow we leave....which means I leave Cassidy. Tomorrow is gonna suck. To celebrate our last day in St.Louis though ,for a while, we are going to go out as have fun and sight see, well at least for Demi and the girl from 5H well because Cassidy and I have seen all of St.Louis a lot.Finally I got up and take a shower.I get my clothes and go to the bathroom.Today is supposed to be 67 degrees so its not too cold and its not too hot so i'm wearing my black jeans, my black NBHD shirt, my black Converse that are "Chuck Taylor PU Rhinestone"(I want them so bad) and my black nirvana snapback. I know its all black but I could care less. When I got done showering I went to wake up Cassidy and Demi.When I finally got them up I texted Lauren to ask her if they were up and to be ready in 1 1/2 hours. She texted me back that they were awake and they would be ready.While I waited for Demi,Cassidy and 5H girls to get ready I listened Black Veil Brides.After a while there was a knock on the door and since Cassidy and Demi where getting ready I had to answer it. Honestly I don't want to answer doors anymore because of what happened last time... I walked up to the door and asked who it was and the response was Lauren,Camila and Dinah saying, "Open Up Krystal." I smiled and opened the door and let them in.

Krystal-"Hey guys."






Camila-"Where are the other 2 slow pokes?"

Krystal-"Still getting ready, but you guys are early."

Lauren-"Thats a first." We all laughed at how true that is.

Dinah-"How do you feel about leaving tomorrow?"

Krystal-"Umm...well i'm not to keen on it but I half to leave...I can't hold Demi back from finishing her tour.Her fans would be disappointed and I know she hates to disappoint her fans plus I know Cassidy will be fine without me and I can still text and call I guess its ok." They all nodded their heads and I felt awkward but thank god for Lauren.She knew I felt awkward so she changed the subject.

Lauren-"Krystal what do you like to do for fun?"

Krystal-"I like to skateboard,write,read,listen to music, play my clarinet stuff like that."

Dinah-"Wait you play clarinet?"


Normani-"How good are you?"

Krystal-"I don't know.Its your opinion if I'm good or not."

Camila-"What's one of the hardest pieces of music that you've played?"

Krystal-"In 7th grade my school band played the Rites of Tambero." (Jk its not hard but its one of the other ones I can actually remember playing from a year ago xD)

Ally-"What's that?"

Krystal-"Its on youtube you can watch it if you want." The girls went on youtube and found it and started listening to it. One thing I don't want them to ask me is if I would play for them...well because when I came here I brought my Clarinet because I was gonna practice because after spring break we had a concert. I hope they don't ask if I can play for them.

Once the video ended they all looked at me and had amazed looks on their faces. I looked at them and then laughed at their facial expressions. Normani looks back at the screen and says, "Hey look there's a performance of 'Cumberland Cross' were you in that one Krystal?" "Yeah I was, I was in the first row middle seat." They quickly click on the video and it plays and they get into the music and then Cassidy finally comes out ready and instantly realizes what they are listening to. Heres the thing Cassidy also has her flute with her so she might be just as scared as I am for the fact that they might ask us to play. Finally the song ends and they were still amazed.

Lauren-"How did your band sound that good in 7th grade?"

Krystal-"Our school's band has a really good director , they were awesome."


Krystal-"Yeah Cass is in band to."

Dinah-"Well I don't know about the other girls but I want to hear you play." Me and Cassidy share a look and then we nod at each other and start walking over to our bags and getting out your instruments. The girls were confused for a minute before they caught on.

Camila-"Wait you guys had your instruments here?" Me and Cassidy just nodded our head while putting our instruments together.


Cassidy-"We were gonna practice while we were here for our spring concert at school after spring break." The girls nodded their head saying that they understood. Cassidy and I were still setting up our instruments,music,stands and chairs. I put my reed in my mouth to get in wet. (don't take that the wrong way -_- thats literally what we half to do.) Cassidy and I got out our phones and went onto our tuning app and started tuning our instruments. The girls just looked at us like we were crazy. Cassidy and I debated on what the Tempo was and then we started playing. The song we were playing was the 'Blues Brothers Revue' (This song is hard. I'm in 7th grade and we are playing it in like 8 days xD) During the beginning of the song Demi came out and ready and looked at us astonished. We continued playing anyway and when the song came to an end they girls clapped for us. They said we did really well.I'd say we did to. I hope Cassidy does well at the concert.

Demi-"Everyone ready to go?" We all answered yes, except me.... I said.

Krystal-"Yes but are you ready yet??" I said that in such a sarcastic tone but all the girls laughed including Demi so I joined in.

Lauren-"Well someones got sas today."

Krystal-"Who...Me...Never." Yet again sarcasm.

Cassidy-"You keep telling yourself that Krystal." We all laughed and Cassidy and I put up our stuff and we left out into St.Louis.

The first place Cassidy and I took them was to of course the Arch. We went up into the Arch and they were amazed at how high it was off the ground. (Its 630' (192 m) off the ground so its kinda high especially when you look straight down) After we were done at the arch we walked along the Mississippi River. After our stroll we went to fitz's to eat. After we went to fitz's we went to Ted Drewes. I love that place.After we had some lunch we went to the zoo. I don't know why, but they wanted to go so we went. Not that there is anything wrong with the zoo but the zoo is not the most fondest place for me to be. After we saw a few animals we left and went to Forest Park. They played around there but I told them I had to go to the bathroom and i'll be back soon.I didn't really need to go to the bathroom I just had to get Cassidy something before I left. I mean she is my best friend and I'm the one leaving...I need to get her something.I walked over to the mall and went inside in search of what I was going to get her. I walked into a jewelry store and looked at friendship necklaces.When I found the write ones I go them engraved. It was a heart split into 2 pieces.I got Cassidy's piece engraved saying, "Cassidy, You're my best friend no matter what -Krystal, then it had Friendship 2009- then a infinity sign".And on mine it said, "Never Forget the friend you make, then it said Cassidy then friendship 2009-infinity sign." After I got the necklaces done I headed back to the park.On the way to the park I took the necklaces out and put them in my pocket and ditched the bag in a trashcan so they wouldn't know I went shopping.When I got back to the park with them it was about 6 p.m. already but we weren't done yet. It was about sunset so we made our way back out to the Mississippi River and went on a 'Cruise' down Mississippi river to watch the sunset. It was so beautiful.Most of the girls instagramed it. Of course they did. After the sun set Matt came and took us back to the hotel and we all started packing...well because we are leaving tomorrow.I asked Matt if he would driver Cassidy home tomorrow and he said he would and I gave him his last paycheck. I'll really miss Missouri even though i've said so many times that I hate it here....but in reality I just hate the people here. Missouri is actually really pretty, now that i'm leaving I see all of the beauty that is Missouri...I'll really miss it here.

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