Chapter 11 "Relaps"

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Krystal's P.O.V

Today I woke up and got ready for the day. Today I wore black leggings,black sweater thats too big and my black studded high top converse.I wasn't the first one up surprisingly. We all slept in Demi's room last night. Camila was up staring at a wall.i didn't notice her before but she was so quiet.Somethings wrong.I walk toward her and sit on the floor in front of her.Shes wearing leggings,a tan sweater thats to big and black converse.


K-"Hey Camila." She snapped out of her trance.

C-"Oh, hey Krystal."She smiled...but I knew that smile.Fake Smile.



K-"Why is your smile fake?"

C-"I-I don't wanna talk about it."

K-"Camila please don't hide it.Everyone will see you acting different and question you.I just wanna see you happy.In every interview I've seen of you guys witch is a lot your smile has almost always been fake."

C-"Krystal I cant believe that you saw that my smile was fake I read the comments on those and no one els noticed.The girls didn't notice except maybe Lauren but she never said anything to me about it.How did you even notice?"

K-"I know what a fake smile is I use to use one everyday.Until I meet you guys then again I still use them its just not as often.But Camila why is you smile fake?"


K-"Its ok Camila just be honest.Getting it off your chest will help you."

C-"I-I c-cu-u-t a-aga-in." She stumbled on her words and started to cry.I got up and hugged her.

Still Whispering.

K-"Its ok Camila it h-happens.I d-id to."

C-"You did?"

K-"Yeah." I lift up my shirt to show her my stomach were I cut yesterday morning before we left. She cringes when I lift up my shirt and sees all of the scars. I quickly put my shirt back down and look down at the floor. Camila lifts my chin up.

C-"Those scars are not ugly.They are beautiful.They show that you are a fighter and are becoming a warrior."

K-"Thanks Camz. Same for you all of your scars are beautiful.Be honest with people.With your fans though.You would know how many people would actually be inspired and stop themselves."

C-"I'll open up but only if people ask."

K-"Just don't cut again." After I said that Camila stiffened up and was looking behind me.I turned around and saw Lauren standing there.I stiffened up because she probley heard me.

C-"H-hey L-Lauren."

L-"Girls. Hallway Now." We walk in to the hallway and Camila and I look at each other with worried looks. We know Lauren was gonna freak out on us.

L-"Girls both of you have fake smiles on."

K-"So do you its see able."

L-"How do you know."

K-"I use to use on everyday so I know exactly what they look like."

L-"Ok. Why are your guys smiles fake and I heard all of what you guys said and I get it I've done it just don't give up on stopping if I would've given up I would probley would be dead and I don't want you guys dead.I would probley relapse if one of you ended up in the hospital or even dead.So guys please don't give up."

C-"I'm so sorry that I cut again Lauren.I got a twitter notification from my bully at my old school and I couldn't handle it."

L-"Camila give me your phone your taking a break from it.I'll tell your parents to call or text me if they need you."


L-"What about you Krystal?"

K-"I'm stresses.I'm scared."


K-"I am stressed because of all of the stuff that I own now.My parents house,My parents money,My parents cars..everything my parents own is now mine. My parents are in jail for life. Demi adopted me which isn't the bad part. I am scared because what if Demi's parents don't like me.What if Demi's fans hate me.What if I get even more hate on twitter because I was adopted by Demi. I-I'm just scared guys."

L-"Awe Krys don't worry so much is this what was bothering you yesterday?"

K-"I can't help but worry I stayed up worrying so much I deleted all my social media but made all new ones with my new name. I needed a distraction so I didn't cut again."

L-"Why didn't you wake me up I slept next to you so you could."

K-"I'm sorry I just didn't want to wake you up I didn't cut so i'm proud of myself."

L-"I'm proud of both of you.Lets go wake up the other so we can get ready to do the twit-cam and explain what happened yesterday."

K-"Ok. Lauren you get ready and me and Camila will wake the others."I put a sly smile and looked over at Camila and she knew exactly what we were gonna do...

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