Chapter 29

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Demi's P.O.V.

Um...Krystal I want to have a conversation with Cassidy. can you go up to your room with the others?

K-Umm...yeah sure.

I want to ask Cassidy if it's ok that I adopt her. I can bear to split Krystal and her up again.

Cassidy and I went and sat on the couch.

D-Ok so Cassidy I'm gonna get right to the point. You're probably tired from your flight. I wanted to know if it was ok if I adopted you?

C-Yeah Demi. Fine by me...only if you want to don't feel obligated to adopt me just because my parents just passed away.

D-I don't feel obligated. I honestly want you a part of this family.

C-Thank you so much Demi.

D- You so welcome.

Dinah's P.O.V.
We all went up to Krystal's room. Krystal's been really quiet and it's really worrying me and I can tell it's worrying the other girls to. As soon as we walked into Krystal's room she just went and laid down on her bed. normally she would sit and talk with us. I went and sat next to her and rubbed her back.

DJ-Hey Krys what's wrong?


L-We don't believe that.

CC-Please don't shut us out.

K-If I told you guys you would be so disappointed in me.

AL-No we won't just tell us.

K-*sigh* ok well everyone has to be in here.

As if on cue Cass and Demi walk in.

Demi-What are you guys talking about that everyone has to be in here for.

K-Well I guess I'll just tell you guys. To Ryan it's new. Um I relapsed.

Everyone was in shock.

AL-How many days and how many cuts.

K-4 Days so far and a total of 40+ cuts.
I don't want to do it. it was just my only way to cope. I couldn't handle the thought of Cassidy's parents dead and they aren't even my parents.

Ryan get's up and leaves the room so Krystal gets up and follows him.

Krystal's P.O.V.

When Ryan left, I had to follow him. He's never heard about this part of my life.

K-Ryan wait!

R-For what! For you to tell me the truth about you life.

K-You don't get it Ryan!

R-What wouldn't I get! That you
basically lied to me!

K-I didn't lie! You never asked!

We were now in a screaming match.

R-So your saying I meant nothing to you.

K-That's not what I meant. You obviously mean something to me. Your my friend Ryan! I just wasn't ready to tell you. My past life isn't something I go around telling anyone and everyone!


K-R-Ryan that's now what I meant.


Ryan goes storming out of the house slamming the door behind him.

Demi, Cass, Alaina and 5H came down the stairs towards me. I just didn't want to talk to anyone. I ran past them back into my room and into my bathroom locking the doors and me away from the outside world of horrible reality....

I know what I have to do...

"Save Me" A Demi Lovato/Fifth Harmony FanFic"Where stories live. Discover now