Chapter 34

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Krystal's P.O.V.

K-Dinah when you came to say your "goodbye" to said your panic attacks are back.
DJ-Umm...yeah they are.
K-Awe DJ you'll be ok. But you have to tell the girls. We all can help you and maybe that will stop them from coming so frequently. But DJ Ya got to promise me one thing ok?
K- when ever you have/ are having one come to me or one of the girls...we love you and want to help you.
DJ-I promise...but only if you do the say thing. But yours is for anything your having a problem with. ANYTHING. Big or small. Any of the girls I sure would help too.
K-I promise.

Dinah started cheering and dancing around the kitchen. I was laughing at her trying to find the stuff to wrap back up my wrist and forearm. I found it but k can't do it by myself.

K-Hey...umm...Dinah do you think you could help me.
DJ-Always gurlie.

Dinah came over and carefully wrapped my arm up. surprisingly she didn't do anything to hurt it...unlike the doctor.

K-DJ Ya gotta tell the girls today. I can tell your exhausted.
DJ-Ok Krys. Only cause I love ya.

I heard Lauren starting to come down the stairs so I whispered to myself, "showtime". Dinah looked at me weird but I shook it off.

I walked out of the kitchen and yelled for all the girls.


I heard all the girls laugh especially Demi. I even heard Lauren laugh. she hasn't laughed in a while and I was super happy that she finally laughed.I think everyone was cause they looked at her and had the biggest grin on their faces.

All the girls came one by one. starting with Lauren, Dinah and I since we were already down here. Then next was Ally, Demi, Normani,Alaina and lastly Cass who tripped on the last step. Lucky for her Dinah caught her before she fell.

Cass-Why are we down here.
K- Lauren and Dinah have some stuff to tell you....soooo If everyone could go into the living room that would be great.

They all shuffled into the living room.

I whispered to Dinah. "Can you go first please before Lauren freaks out. I'll be next to you the whole time."
She nodded her head and started telling everyone about her panic attacks.
She even told them about her boyfriend that use to abuse her and that he said he would come back for her.
(If u don't know what that's from; it's from chapter 18)

Once she finished her story we all group hugged her and told her encouraging things.But me being me took Dinah to myself and jumped on her back and yelled "ME PROUD!!" Everyone laughed at us.

Next was Lauren's turn:

I went and sat next to Lauren.
Lauren took a deep breath and looked at me and started talking.

L-I. I. I relapsed.

Everyone went wide eyed.

She told the story of how and why she relapsed and I felt terrible cause me being in the hospital was one of the reasons. There we a lot of other reasons. But that one stuck in my mind. I was brought out of my thoughts when Ally asked;

Ally- How many days and how many cuts?

Lauren grip on my hand got tight that my hand was going numb.

K-Ok one Gurl I gotta let go or loosen up I can't feel my hand. And calm down and be honest. It's the best policy.

L- 379 over the course of 26 days.

Everyone's eyes were glossed over at the thought.

I had to end this before Lauren broke down crying.

I got up and stood at the front.

K- ok so we found out new information about each other today. It's shocking and no one likes to hear this type of information especially about a person they care deeply about. now. Lauren and Dinah. You both are extremely strong people and I know that everyone in this room is going to help you guys. Sure some of us are new to the family we have created....but Family is family no matter what. We ALL have been together through thick and thin and and there's a lot more to come with us crazy bunch of people. but I don't know about you guys but I'm ready for this roller coaster ride that is life. but most importantly to ride the roller coaster with the people I love and that I can call my family.

They all cheered and we had a massive group hug. Dinah started to play Beyoncé over the loud speakers and we just started having a dance party...and these are the moments that I love with my family.

But I turn 16 tomorrow!! This is gonna be one kick a$$ party. But I'm gonna sing a song for my family....and I hope they like it.


Idk I got bored so I wrote, another update Saturday or Sunday again.

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