Chapter 10 "6 Flags"

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Krystal's P.O.V

When I woke up I remembered today Payton left this morning at 3am we said by the night before because she didn't want us to get up that early. This sucks but we can still text each other.I went to take a shower and dried my hair.I was still the only on up...big shocker. I went to my suit case and got my normal jean short-shorts,my shirt that has the British flag and my red vans. (A/N: Sorry but i half to mentions Vans they are like my obsession of shoes xD back to the story) I curled my hair and went to wake up Demi and Cassidy. It was only 6 in the morning but we are leaving early so we can get there and not have the paparazzi follow us there seeing how we have Demi Lovato and Fifth Harmony with us. I woke up Demi and Cassidy and told them to dress for the amusement park since it was hot.Demi told me to go get the Fifth Harmony girls up.Demi gave me a key to their room and I headed down there.I got down there and opened the door quietly.When I walk in I see Ally on the couch,Lauren and Normani in one bed and Camila and Dinah in the other.I took out my phone and took a picture with all of them sleeping and posted it on twitter saying, "Wakey Wakey girls time to start the day ;)" all of their phones when off at the same time causing only Lauren to wake up.Lauren was faced away from me so she didn't see me...yet.She saw what it was and opened it and turned around confused.I just stood there and giggled.She got out of her bed and came and hugged me but they asked me, "Why is your smile fake?"

K-"I-I don't know w-what your talking about."

L-"Krystal i know what a fake smile looks like I used one all the time and I see them on Camila way to often please tell me."

K-"I feel bad for what happened to Camila."

L-"I wasn't your fault Krystal don't blame yourself blaming yourself doesn't lead any where good ok?"

K-"Yeah thanks Lauren." I smiled but not a fake one.

L-"There's the smile I want to see.Krystal talk to me whenever you need to I don't care if its 3 in the morning I'm always here to help alright?"

K-"Thanks Lauren.Same with you if you even need someone to talk to someone other than the 4 girls here call me when ever."

L-"Thanks Krystal.But why are you here again?"

K-"Oh yeah Demi told me to come wake you guys up because we are going to go to six flags today.So dress for warm weather but also for rides."

L-"Alright.Wanna help me wake them up?" Lauren winked when she said that so this can't be good.

K-"Yeah what's your sneaky plan here Miss.Jauregui?"

L-"Whoa I'm not old but I was thinking what about pouring ice cold water on them and I mean with real ice in the water but we half to do it all at the same time."

K-"OMG I am so in this is gonna but funny but not good in our cases."

L-"Ehh whatever they will get over it."

We got buckets from the janitor and filled them with water and put ice and let them sit for 5 mins outside.We got the buckets and I had Dinah and Camila while Lauren had Normani and Ally.Lauren counted down and we threw the buckets of ice cold water on them and they all screamed and Lauren and I had a plan of escape.Lauren ran into the bathroom to get ready because she already put her clothes for the day in there and I ran out the door and down to Demi,Cassidy's and my room.I walked back into the room like nothing happened and texted the girls to be ready in 1 hour and to dress for hot weather and rides.

Dinah's P.O.V

We were woken up by ice cold water and laughing and girls running out of the room and to the bathroom.

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